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Show The Social Evil The police oi l Salt Lake city, a few evenings ago, j made a raid on the houses of ill-fame j in that portion of Zion. About twenty men and women were arrested, and a : portion of them wero fined Slut) each. ! j An appeal was taken to the United i ' States district oourt. Judge McKcan's , attitude on this last "lascivious" oper-I oper-I ation will bo looked for with somo in- tores t, Tho caso places his honor in , an awkward predicament, as those recently arrested by the Mormon authorities au-thorities are supposed to bo numbcrod among his Gentile friends. Eureka Sentinel. Our Novada neighbor mistakes the judgo. Tho oasea wero taken boforo Associate Justiee Hawley, another ; United States district court judgo, on luibms corpus. Ills honor, Judge McKean, was sick, or busy, or something, some-thing, and couldn't attend to the mat-tor; mat-tor; but his friends were pleased to see that ho was able tho same afternoon to outer upon the murder examination. As everybody hereabouts expected, the "social ovils" were turned loose ; as if is not "lasciv. cohab." that is aimed at, but Mormon polygamy. Cohabitation Cohabita-tion is in order, quite moral, perfectly proper, mid in strict' accordance with the principles of Lhe party of high , morality hero, so long as there is no i marriage connected with il. Marriage i is what's the matter. |