Show LOCATION OF FACTORIE The Smoke Nuisance an Important Import-ant Point to Consider NEW SAFE WORKS SITES What tho Sanitarium Company Expect Ex-pect to Accomplish Their Resort Will Bo Advertised Throughout Through-out Europe and America Proposal to Make the Building FIve Stories High Mr Green Arrives Today The latest site that has been mentioned in relation with the the safe makers is the old Deseret woolen mills grounds located lo-cated onehalf mile southeast of the penitentiary peni-tentiary and that runs up to HUes icehouse ice-house near the mouth of Parleys canyon The city originally secured about fifty acres of land and eighteen miles of water right from the Deseret mills and got some more by purchase from Burton Smoot Sharp the latter for pest house purposes An effort may be made to get the city to deed a portion of this ground for the safe works There is however a decided objection to locating any factory at the mouths of the canyons on account of these being the ventilators of the city There would be as much sense in using a chimney as the fresh air ventilator of a house with the draught downwards Those who are conversant with the air currents say that during the heat of the day the currents from the canyons are very perceptible and if a factory were located there the smoke would be blown over the entire city Smoke never crosses a river said rver Tom Jennings and the place to locate all the factories is west of the Jordan The current of the water carries the smoke with it This is an item of great importance and should be heeded i Salt Lake is to become much of a manufacturing man-ufacturing town Factories that blacken the city with smoke can be as much a detriment as they are an advantage for Salt Lake has as much to expect from the increase she will receive from persons who will select it as their residence on account of its pure air and cleanliness as it has to gain from factories In the location lo-cation of factories the smoke question should always De considered The west siders have pooled their issues and have set their drag net for the safe works W E Hubbard has joined forces with Coates I Corum and J E Blazer and a dozen others have agreed upon a location about three miles west of the city This combination is the strongest in the field and will capture the plant i the promoters promot-ers back of it mean business The west siders have now enough land donated to meet the demands made by Messrs Heeren Wyss and mean business |