Show GORMAN CALLING A HALT The Matter of Pension Appropriations Appropri-ations Must Stop Soon I OTHERWISE BANKRUPTCY Consideration of the Sundry Civil Bill in the Senate II I I I I A Spirited Debate Regarding Several I I Amendments Offered by Mr Hawley I Contested Amendments Finally Go Over Until Today WASHINGTON Feb 21The credentials of William V Allen as senator from the I state of Nebraska from the 4th of March next in place of Mr Paddock were presented pre-sented and placed on file fle Consideration of the sundry civil appropriation ap-propriation bill was proceeded with the pending amendments being in regard to the site for the new government printing office building The amendments were voted down thus killing for the present at least l chance of purchasing a site for the new building Mr Hawley moved to increase the appropriation ap-propriation for the Soldiers National Home at Santa Monica CaI from 70000 Ito I-to 80000 Mr Gorman appealed to Mr Hawley not to press the amendment The pension appropriation bill contained appropriations appropria-tions to the amount of 165000000 and as sure as the sun would rise on the first day of July next there would be a deficiency ciency of from 13000000 to 15000000 No man could tell how much and he I I I therefore submitted that it was time to halt and say the matter of pensions should terminate at some point short of absolute bankruptcy of the treasury Mr Hawley declared that he would force it with all his power Mr Gorman in replying to Mr Hawley Haw-ley said there seemed to be a desire on the other side of the chamber to pile up obligations on the government until the Democratic party would have no escape pleAfter from having to increase taxes on the peo After further discussion the Hawley amendment was agreed to as also like amendments increasing appropriations for soldiers homes I Mr Yilas offered an amendment appropriating appro-priating 125000 for a survey of public i I landy lying within the railroad land grants costs to be reimbursed by the railroad companies which was agreed to An amendment offered by Mr Davis in relation to timber culture laws gave rise to a dry legal uninteresting discussion which lasted for nearly three hours As the vote was about to be taken by yeas and nays which would probably have revealed re-vealed the absence of a quorum Mr Allison proposed that all contested amendments amend-ments should go over till tomorrow and the proposition was agreed to Mr Wolcott moved to reduce the appropriation ap-propriation for expenses of protecting timber on the public lands from fSO 000 t 540000 which was agreed to Mr Squire moved to increase the appropriation ap-propriation for surveys of public lands from 300000 to f400000 which was agreed to Mr Power offered an amendment fixing the limit of cost for a military post at Helena Mont at 600000 which was excluded ex-cluded on a point of order Mr Stewart offered an amendment appropriating ap-propriating 110000 reimburse the state I of Nevada for money expended in the suppression sup-pression of the rebellion which was agreed t The bill was then reported to the Senate from the committee of the whole and all amendments unreserved were agreed to The bill rill be open tomorrow to new amendments The Senate then at 1120 oclock adjourned till tomorrow noon |