Show Marvelous Metal Wealth It is very remarkable that something practical is not done to develop the iron resources of Iron county The deposits of the precious metal for it is precious indeed in-deed when we consider how essential it is in so many industriesin that region are simply marvelous Not long ago a sample of the ore was sent east It was as nearly pure metal as could exist in a crude state The question ques-tion was asked how large is the vein from which this was taken The reply was there is a mountain of it Yes yesi said the questioner but how many feet of a vein of this ore is there in the mountain When informed that there was an actual mountain of ore just like that incredulity took the place of inquiry in-quiry and the statement was considered so preposterous that it damaged the whole matter in the eyes of the interrogator The report was not an exaggeration Iron exists not far from Cedar city in such quantities and in such quality that it is perfectly astonishing Yet there it lies undeveloped for the lack of money to bring it into use It may be that a railroad rail-road is one of the essentials to its profitable profit-able production Even in that event it is passing strange that some outside capitalists capital-ists have not dropped on to the fact that several big fortunes are sleeping in those vast deposits and that when sufficient suffi-cient capital and energy and skill are brought to bear upon them richeswill be assured to an immense amount and labor provided for a host of workers It is impossible to believe that silence will much longer surround those treasures treas-ures of metal Southern Utah must yet I give them up for the uses of the world and Utah iron will become famous while numerous I nu-merous industries will flourish as the result I j re-sult of its manufacture and the coming state will prosper through the wealth that I must be the certain consequence |