Show go to the new york cash store 50 cents on the dollar COFFEE 25 acta per at P P Eind marahs THE board of the insane asylum is in session today baie of spring wraps at R A barneis barneys Bar district atelea guaranteed to bo lower than any HIGHEST market orice paid for agga egga butter and all kinds of garden produce at J wi mcadam co THE millinery department at 8 jones company is doine a fine hata are quoted very low and styles and quality are the best ana grand lodge of the knights of pythias will convene in provo the third tuesday in june aud receipts carela lly compounded at drug co t THE best cheap governing for floors is japanese matting selling from a yard to come and see it at gates furniture co store TUE union pacific is in line with a special conference train for schedule see the epenial notice in this issue t in nead of green and fancy groceries aall on J W me adam go who will give the best ot goods for the lowest prices announcement in a day or two will be made by the president as to when aba next meeting of the chamber of commerce will be held fence netting 4 fi and 6 feet wide juat arrived at L D waters hardware store carry all be leading brands of flour at lowest priced EPH anaa E ford are delegates ol 01 the provo lodge to the I 1 0 0 F grand lodge which meets in salt lake on the dinst prospects are that commissioner T B lewis and president J E tal mage of the university of utah will lecture in the tabernacle bernacle Ti a week from next sunday on educational topics rawlings Raw linga bab been working to thia end for abent a year and he can safely promise thoe coming to stake conference that it will occur you can buy outing flannels prints ginghams or L L factory for acta at Barney 8 IT was a mistake yesterday in pub lisaine W R H name ai the second of the excelsior drair store the clerk was fred moore and not mr new department at 8 S jonea companas Comp anys where tha newe princ enita are beine made has very busy look and the busy are working early and late to get the work out that la already on band dr prices cream baking powder I 1 worlds fair highest award BABY carriages and lots of them at he gates furniture store caroe and them they will auit you as to style ani pries SPECIAL conference arain via the union pacific see notice elsewhere in this paper f THE equity case of thomas 0 groneman ys joshua jones involving the lien on a was before judda smith all yeater dav alte plaintiff got judgment for ehg equity basea of thomaa T vs wm H patten involving title to some land waa postponed for a day in the district court and the raae of wm H patten vs thomas T top ham to modify decree in a water case la now on day exercises tomorrow after noan will begin at 2 p m tha indoor exercises exe rises will consist of singing and teachers will explain the reason of arbor day the students will anen plant treed with appropriate speeches those not having trees to plant will beet teams and haul gravel and clean up and otherwise improve the grounds the U S novt reports show royal baking powder su perlor to sll others WE were yesterday shown some amens from the new discovery of libbon graphic stone in diamond canyon an offshoot off shoot from fork canyon A test of the stone has been mado in the city and the quality found to ba eagal to the celebrated bavarian article if the stone holds as good all through as the samples brought in there ia a fori tune in acht for the owners of the claims there are two separate claims of acres each the ledge from which the specimens shown were urea 24 feet wide and are almost flat new atar |