Show cov thomas explanation regarding the desertion made in the constitutional convention ahat the woman euffe age plank in the can platform waa placed there merely to catch voted ex gov A L thomas who was referred to as having framed the the following statement I 1 was the chairman of the commit tee on appointed by the last republican convention I 1 have a very clear recollection of the action of ahr committee in relation to the grant ing of equal suffrage to women twenty live of the twenty seven counties of the territory were represented on the committee the large majority of tte members were not of the claps usually denominated politician they to ma to be men who acted from conviction vic tion I 1 believe the suffrage plank was inserted in the platform the majority of the committee thought it waa right to place it there and the manner in which it was receive DV the convention show ed I 1 think that the large majority of the convention thought so too no other received such strong manifestations of approval with all due respect lo 10 the delegates in the constitutional convention representing both political patties who make tha charge that the women suffrage plank was inserted in the plat lorma for ane purpose of catching I 1 deem it but juat 9 aay that in my opinion BO far as the action of the republican committee is concerned the charge has no foundation in fact it was I 1 believe an honest of lh opinion of the large majority of the committee and convention ihnow of no pressure preB Sure that wae brought to bear upon the committee ic relation to the matter news |