Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings dry gooda notions etc etc at 60 cents on the dollar new york cash store PRESIDENT H H CLUFF of loaeza was iu tho city today cans of tomatoes tomato ea for 25 centa at CLOTHING baill boes at coat at bar FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly dy the popular grocers boagard SPRING dresa cattera from upwards at S B jones company t go to the brovo city lumber co for your combination fence wo maun facture four different kinds at hard time prices FAMILY wagging 5 cents par pound at the troy steam laundry of t dounda of sugar lor one dollar at PURE and reliable drugs at smoot drug co t ANNUL conference commences tomorrow morning banit growers and bee keepers can eat their oplies Bu at the lowest prices at geo V mill prove city BARGAINS for young married people and old ones too in bed room suits and other furniture at the gates furniture co give us a trial KINDLING wood cheap at smoot Sp affords coal yard in building material and contractors can save money by sending their orders for mill work to geo W mickela Mickel 8 provo utah t IF you want a good meal or a good bad go to sirs snyders opposite tho opera house Ranch mens patronage especially solicited rates per day 1 or 5 per week A cliatt as to wed has boon issued to franklin J tucker aged 25 and gunelia johnson aged of provo city WANTED A roan or lady to manage distributing sample cards books ciras do correspondence send sylvan coy detroit mich loats for soap ac and beet special offer to you iw reports already ruled and printed kept in stock at THE EN office 1 I for fresh oysters at B F iners cafe sold by the can or to order paint 1 paint I 1 paint 1 ready mixed paints at warda sons 1 per gallon can ALL kinds of produce wanted in exchange for woolen goods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO A co are making three to five years farm loans interest 10 par cent call on or write them at provo i made auila at PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO THE real estate of the provo oo op was this morning brought in at marshals sale by 3 ip T G webber of the Z C M I 1 oe price being paavo chop house is the place exactly to get a good square meal open d iv and night basement of excelsior block center street win oneill Prop rc IT will pay you to go to the gates furniture gos store and examine their fine line of carpets and japanese and chinese matting for floors go to the provo city lumber co for your como mation fence we manufacture four different kinds at hard time prices cokman the manager of 8 S jones companas Comp anys dress makine dei part mant the following bricea street suits from upwards street suits with wrap to match upwards si k dresses from upwards bal costumes from upwards extra waists from upwards childrens dresses from upwards academy spring april 8 and ends june 12 careful work and thorough drill par ants dont let time run to wase I 1 huss prin iw A A formerly ehrhard has began a suit john witbeck for borrowed money secured by a two fifth interest in tho valejus lode mining claim She an engineer on the southern pacific ky who resides at log angeles calwas Cal waa troubled with rheumatism for a long time ho was treated by several also visited hot springs but received no permanent relief until he used cham pain balm he baya it is the best medicine in the world for rheumatism for bale by smoot drug co IT bad been told around town that provos merchant had leased the rio gracce western and when that mammoth lot of goods arrived the other day certain credulous people thought it was so J W mcadam and co have opened green and fancy grocery store in the stand recently occupied bv taylor poulton 3 doors east of taylor bros furniture co free delivery to any part ef tha city THE provo coop co op hel 1 l its annual meeting on monday at which the officers were elected binca which time direct ora have met and organized aa follows president L john nuttall vice president J P R johnann Joh naon secretary and treasurer V bean Direct ora reed B B hooes J 0 graham A haladay Ha haday geo W gee A fingleton yin gleton and A knudsen |