Show SHERIFFS SALE pursuant to a decree of foreclosure and order of sale to me directed by the district couil of the first judicial district of the Tern tory of utah I 1 shall at public sale at the front door of the county court house la ana city of provo cuaty of utah territory of utah on the bolh day of april A I 1 1893 at he h brot 12 m all the lands and premises directed to be sold by this decree lying and being in utah county ot utah and boand ad and particularly described as town chains east and 1017 chains bouin of the northwest corner of the northeast ot section 7 township 7 south of janiie 3 eafen thence south 89 deg east 4 chains I 1 de wet 1017 10 17 chilas north 8 deg 30 min wea 4 chains north 1 deg east lota chains to r lace ot beginning the same being lurther described as ane wet 4 acres of th following land 6 42 chains east and chains couth of the northwest corner cl the north east 4 of section 7 township 7 east thence s degeest chains thence south 1 0 eg west 2017 chains thence north 88 aln west chains norih 1 deg east 1017 chains to of with all and sin guiar the tenements bared li amenta and appurtenances thereunto te wise appertaining to oe sold as the property ol 01 ald adlard charlea cook giorg cook joab collins partners inder the firm name and st ie ot samuel co sarah ald M cook mary A cok and jamea al the suit of the I 1 Kat lonal of a terms of se cash JOHN A BROWN shercon Sher Coi bah batea at this day ot marco A B A king for plain tier |