Show THURSDAY john E booth president john henry smith vice president J 0 graham 0 D glazier W D robinson A singleton oscar wilbina Wil kina MH tn 0 graham manader Mana eer sd at the postoffice Post office at prova as necona class matter 1 TERMS OF BY daily edition oney eaf in advance parta of a year per mon thin advance 80 wee clyone advance TO CITY daiy lo livered fineday excepted except nd 50 cents per month in advance or 25 conta K beok addrena co provo city deli varv ia irregular please csaka complaint at the office or telephone no 27 mia PAPER agency 64 and ca Es ali aiice hn oal where contract can be raade for it rua has a circulation that every week exceeds that of all the other in central and sontheim utah combined in utah conaty it has a circulation that ex of all the other territorial combined billions djolic persona who are subject to attacks of billioux billi colic will be pleased to know that prompt relief may be had by taking chamberlains colic Cholera and diarrhoea remedy its acta quickly and can alway ba depended upon in many cases the attack mav bo pre dented by taking this remedy as boon aa the the first indication of the disease appears 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by co to lioan on farm and city property low interest apply to B BACHMAN jr union block provo 0 to cure boursell Yo ursell while using it the tobacco habit growa on a man until his cervona system is seriously affected impairing imp airine health comfort and happiness to quit aun denly is too severe a shock to the system as tc bacco to an inveterate user becomes stimulant that his system continually craves baco curo is a scientific cure for the to bacco habit in all ita forma carefully compounded after tho formula of an eminent berlin who has used it in his private practice since 1872 without a failure purely vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmles fl you can use all the tobacco you want while taking baco curo it will notify you when to atoo we give a written guar arilee to cure any case with three bozos or refund the money with 10 percent interest baco curo is not a substitute but a scientific cue cu e that cures without the aid of ditl power and with no inconvenience it leaves the system aa pure and tree from nicotine as the day von took first chew or smoke bold by all druggists druggis tg with our ironclad guarante eat per box ahrea honea thirty days treatment 2 50 or bent direct upon receipt of price SEND BIX TWO CENT FOR SAMPLE BOX BOOK lenald PROOFS FREE eureka chemical manufacturing company chemists la wisconsin for infants and children OTHERS oo 00 you know batemann batemans Bat emans drops godfreyh godfreys God freys cordial many so caged soothing ad most remedies tor children are composed ot opium or morphine t do yon know that opium ami morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons t do yon that in most countries druggists are not permitted to bell narcotics without labeling them poisons do yen know that you should not permit any medicine to be eiva your child unless you or your physician fonow of what it is composed r po yott that castoria la a purely vegetable and that urt its ingredients is published with every bottle t po yoa know that castoria la tha prescription of the famous dr samuel that it has bean in me for nearby thirty years and that more cantoria Ca atoria is now balt than of other remedies tor children combined po yog that the patent office department 0 the united states and of other countries countr iea bave issued exclusive right to dr pitcher and his assigns to use the word cantoria Car toria and its formula and that to imitate them la a prison odense T po yon know that one of tha reasons for granting this government protection waa because castoria had leen proven to bo absolutely hArm leBB po ton know that 35 average doses of castoria are furnished for 35 cents or one cent a dose T yon enow that when possessed of this perfect preparation your children may b kept well and that you may have unbroken rest well these things are worth they are facca alio fao i on every of araw children ChIS dren cry for pitchers drugs paints oils galass and wall paper largest toek south of salt lake city at EXCELSIOR DRUG paint CO H S PYNE mgr W keeps constantly on hand all kinds of pays cash for fat live PHIL PROP WE SHALL SHORTLY but before doing jo we w 11 ll make arices on tg full line of HARDWARE and now arrivals of goods every day jehae POWDER FUSE m stock HARDWARE CO L D waters mgr is A U smoot prop to milling co and dealers in CHOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR AND FEED wheat received on deposit custom grinding a specialty cash paid for wheat mill opposite union pacific depot it manager FREE DELIVERY AND CORN SHELTER successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND DEALERS IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moul dings rustic siding T and 6 flooring deain t andl iso rdv riLye order scroll sawing and turning done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and ard opposite R K depot P koya rrth ITY PO box 79 telephone no 20 ajr AH manufacturers of and dealers m PT A 00 PT A TJ blabe fluck S bality guaranteed us J IF YOU ARK GOING TO artinr ff CITY ST LOUIS or any point east and wish to benov a daylight ride through the grandest scenery of the louky couo taina be eure to ask for a ticket that reads via the no tiresome layovers Lay overs close connections in and positively the quickest route Kwe to the great rivers and atlantic seaboard elegant and thoroughly modern equipment and reclining chair cars in which the seats are free to holders of regular train tickets cell on or address 8 commercial freight pass abt boom 21 morlan block salt lake OK H 0 TOWNSEND general st louis mo NEW SERVICE TAKE R G W ry leavire provo p m connecting at denver with the burlington ROUTE train lor omaha kansas city at joseph st louis and chicago tt rough pullman sleepers free reclining dining cars A a carte secure lickers lick ets at RG wry office R F W F art axi ast gebell ageel room 11 over no 10 W second south st salt lake city utah WATCHES AT jewelry store pyne Mai beas drug store severity LOOK OUT FOR big stock of lew goods acles scientifically adjusted to all sights without extry chabre THIC TH TO colim AND oril SOCIETY WILL SELL YOUR FRUITS BERRIES vegetables POTATOES HONEY FISH GAME STOCK HORSES SHEEP HAY AND GRAIN it will pay yon to call at their office corner ath anda streets Pro on any of th for any information doe irod ho middlemen to take a larea profit it wo sell for yon F H boyer evan provo beof clinder dalre view D M pleasant grove john amiller spanish fork deorra D snell spanish fork W H kelsey Springy ille pros thos leonard Vic ePrea F J covert provo J E booth provo trem WESTERN COLORADO MIDLAND atchison ATCH IgON topeka AND SANTA FE RAILWAYS the only lice which anis Pal linau palace cars between ogden salt luke city aad caffo without change and pullman palace cars between ogden salt luke chiy denver aad chicago THE SHORT LINE SUPERB SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE YOU GOING EAST if so be anre and secure tickets over the SANTA FK roure and greatest Grea teat railroad on earth gleave g leave ogden salt lake city or prove on the evening train in order to see the moat scenery in am train loaves rio grande western depot provo at p m K 0 dooly building general aeeti passenger department HALT LAKE CITY UTAH they arc here the greatest block of dry booda that ever cam to town this is positively no exaggeration every body come we have all the newest things in drees floods trim mina erring ladies in coriat aasine and silk laces embroideries babo caps aud bonnett 8 saline skirt fl underwear and the dry good line all direct from the bakera pay no middle mans profits es are bedrock watch for oar cheap R A barney children pitcher bastos ia ONE PILL FOR A DOSE 4 mOTt mant of the bhatla each day if necessary for alta alie all apply ahm ur etem lacka te natt t it regular they cw brighten tee ad adleor atze complexion bettor than coa they M mildly eribo nor token u arther ciui do to roe of their merits TC mall re cr tt rail sl for 26 sold vad ca bold by ayoe diamond arana or acly ii arc jwj reU lil t 4 dla in ild nd nil hilll ll bom calel alth blue tuko enoth r if lions ami A ii Ui hiir ir or nil 4 ID bump far aa I 1 It elief f by return r clail bynm caper I 1 rS TRADEMARK CAN I 1 A PA TENT for prompt answer and an bonest opinion write to blunn ab C who la alie patent basl neu tlona strictly confidential A handbook of information sad bow to detain cent free alio a of al leal ana beoka ent atee patents taken annn co rocelia special bocca in the and abw are brocht widely before the ant coot to the inventor this paper weekly 0 the harpest ot any work in th worldS 3 a year coplea ent free Bui mina edition year copied ia avery number contains con taina beau tefol platen in colors and of kaew with plana to how ur dalem and lecore contracts acta addrena CO aik W pioneer newspaper of central and southern utah IN ITS TWENTY SECOND only daily paper south of salt lae containing the telegraphic news of the world vigorous aggressive and fearless oar semiweekly semi weekly edition has a larger circulation throughout all the counties comprising the first judicial district than all other newspapers combined the is the oran of utah republicanism protection and the encouragement of home industries for terms of bee top of first column on second page 3 a amy n |