Show and first article adopted WEBER minority of a meeting pass resolutions solutions Ee executive article now on the convention wednesday was opened with prayer by rev 8 G dodd of fort douglas petitions favoring prohibition were presented from and counties driver of weber arose and aard he desired to make a few remarks ha stated he had had been at the remarks of certain co delegates made in the convention the last few days re tine on bis honor as a man in connection with nia action on the woman suffrage question the president there is nothing before the house mr driver nothing to tj driver well I 1 want to resent the imputation on my integrity on mv honor hicks I 1 rise to a point of order it is that there is nothing before the house the president that is right evans of weber mr president the gentleman desires to speak to a point 0 personal privilege the president very well mr dri ver you may proceed on that score driver I 1 aust want to ray that ahn 1 left my home nearly the whole of weber county BO far as I 1 could learn waa in favor of women I 1 promised to work for it and have done 80 but a change has come over the people an anti equal suffrage mass meeting was held in ogden last night and instead of it being a peaceable and orderly affair it was more like a meeting ol 01 an angry howling mob than anything else but I 1 will abill work for equal suffrage almost alone most of my colleagues from weber county have gonn back on me one who evans when he went to bis home last night he was insulted and hooted at mr driver then read and declaimed against resolutions passed at the meeting in question evans the gentleman mr dent need not be disturbed in hia teel inga the moat of those who stten deJ the ogdan meeting last meat were in favor of equal they were nit in favor of the anti movement and ad journea the meeting and went home after that the minor portion of them held another meeting and passed the resolutions read by mr driver the convention here took up the declaration ot rights on it third reading beginning at the section for which the follo wim was adopted in capital cases the right of trial by j ory nemaia inviolate in courts of jurisdiction except in capital cases a jury shall consist of eight in courts of inferior jurisdiction a jury shall consist of four jurors in criminal cases the verdict shall le ua in civil cases three fourths of the jurors may find a verdict A jury n civil cases shall be waived unless demanded kimball of weber offered a abbati ante for section 22 relating to private property taken for public use it caused very lengthy discussion but a speech from mr varian killed the substitute sti tute by showing its illegality in an exhaustive speech the original clause carried the preamble and all of article 1 of the constitution wera then adopted the committee then entered upon the consideration of the article on executive mr kimball of weber offered an amendment to create the office of lieu tenant Governor it was lost mr eichnor presented the following amendment AU officers of the executive except the superintendent of public schools shall be ineligible to reelection re election as their own successors carried on motion of mr rids ane period of residence in the state required to make a person eligible to a state office wae changed from two to five years mr richards with ap eye to a pos aible woman governor moved to strike out the word he where it meant that officer cpr and insert the governor A vote was beine taken on the motion when mr roberts rose and strove to interrupt it mr chairman 1 ho called oat apprehensively and then paused the delegates divining that he feared the amendment would be a recognition of woman suffrage puff rage began to laugh when roberts who had concluded that the motion waa harmless remarked remark sd 1 I glees its all right though and resumed his beat the convention was much amnard oyer the incident the amendment wag adopted the committee than arbee and tha convention adjourned |