Show an sn its favor OUR PLANE governor thomas tells how it was considered in the committee editor nothing absorbs the attention of or elevates man PG admirably aa woman I 1 eay elevates am I 1 not right ladies several communications have re bently appeared in tho columns of ENQUIRES discussing the pros and cuna of this question a question that ia growing and cannot any longer be regarded ss a microcosm in this nineteenth century and it is just as well to let it have a mellifluous crowth oge eyed opponents may oscillate bat the nu domica they must take or go into life this brief advocacy of comans womans rights is not written for the purpose ot eliciting discussion either from ladies or gentlemen but the writer perceives chat the women hayo a cause 9 just cause men who oppose extended power imagine they eee inroads that will bring disaster in government since the creation of the arat man until the present creation has been continuously gowin a on and opposition has kept ap its part all reforms have been consummated by a mighty will power their environments have been assailed but opposition ans been the grand educator for in the heart of struggle an experience has qualified the of the reform to assume aba however intricate they buy be of the new government admit that tae ladies in their enthusiasm thusia sm have some crude ideas that does not wolkau the equal suffrage cause look at the crude acts of men in power for generations past it is a trait in men in power that anything which atana up deviating from their preconceived notions is regarded aa a menace to their authority and may be toe means of demolishing their idaias of government they are the moat difficult among all classes of humanity to reform the influence of women as a rule in all the history of the world haa been exercised for good they have done more toward abolishing savagery than the cannon and it seems to the writer that the presence of ladies in any assembly will have a moderating effect in congress and legislatures of of the recently recen lly eflein bers became rather dramatic in their debates and it is probable if a reasonable number of the representatives were ladies the men would bridle their tongues and moderate their styles of speech it is reasonable to conjecture that the women when in power will not aiace any more absurd blunders than men have done richt alone and therefore give them an opportunity like men H SALT LANE april 3 1895 |