Show A anre cure for piles itching are known by moisture uke perspiration causing intense when warm this form as well as blind bleeding or protruding Prot yield at to dr BoBan koB pile remedy which acts directly on parts affected absorbs tumors abaye itching and a permanent cure 50 acts druggists or mail circulars free dr philadelphia pa sold by pyna af AIa iben dr prices cream baking powder awarded gold medal midwinter fair san you dont have to swear off says the at lonie journal of agriculture in an editorial about no to bac the famous tobacco babit care we know of many cases cured bv noto no to Ba conea prominent st loafs architect ct smoked and chewed for twenty years two boxes cured him eo that even the smell of tobacco makes him abick no sold and guaranteed by R 8 hinea prove no cure no cay book free remedy co naw york or chicago children cry for pitchers bastoria Oa storia do you know you make a mistake when you think that kidney and bladder troubles will wear themselves out they will not except by coding vur life oregon kidney tea will cure all such troubles and make yon tei that life ie worth living trial size 25 ceals dr prices cream baking worlds fair medal and what Is a guarantee it ia this if you have a cough ox cold tickling n the throat which keeps yon constantly couK hiEK or 11 you are afflicted with any cheat throat er lung trouble whooping congo ac and directed giving it a fair trial and no benefit is experienced ve authorize our advertised agent to refund your money on mflton of bottle it never biye it promptly relieves bro hilia bold by smoot adrae co 1 bargains in beal A few nice houses and lots from to also a few good farms from 6 to per acre nica home in city to trade for a farm will sell them on coagy G HOLDAWAY tf provo cita OI 01 both the method and results when barup of figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the baete and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and anres habitual constipation syrup of figs is the only remedy of its feind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly in its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for eale in and 1 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG SYRUP CO SAN on KY HEW YORK hr easily quickly permanently restored weakness debility and all th train of evils from early errors er later tha results of overwork sickness worry etc ivull strength development and tone riven to bevery nd portion of the body aral methods r improvement seen failure 2000 references boodt explanation and proof a mailed sealed iree ERIE MEDICAL 00 buffalo NY we are agents for the following bicycles and invite comparison with any other bicycled Bicy clem the market it costs you nothing to look ani wo promise that you will see the best line of bicycles from which to select that is on the market and ICES WILL TELL VICTOR five different heights for gentlemen price VICTORIAS two different heights for ladies price EAGLE seven models for ladies and gente price ECLIPSE five models for ladies and gents price ESSEX one model fer gentlemen price 80 five models far ladies and gents price 75 westminster 24 and 25 in pneumatic tires and wood rims five models for boys and girls or young ladies price 25 to 60 PASTIME SPECIAL for boas price W to 60 FAVORITE for little boys 24 in pneumatic tires price 20 to 30 we dont ask your patronage ont of personal bayor but because we apan business and know the difference between a bicycle and an old trap it costs nothing to see ns it doea to talk to the other fellow look before yon make him a present of your investment for a bicycle we carry a complete line of sundries bicycles and sporting goods beiro KE IrO asoo attal ROBERT is 7 a Is practiced by buying firs reliable Ee liable merchandise leads in supplying the public first class goods our spring stock is now complete in all departments your patronage is solicited we are the people to assist you in practicing of these masch days the generally are incited to our wednesday and thursday march 27 and 28 we will open for the first time our parlors PARLOR 8 under the management of OUR will be a novel of and elegance new spring wraps on exhibition and will be shown by an experienced salesman come and enjoy the greatest treat of the season in seeing all the new spring styles in all our departments company ANNIE JONES ATKIN manager PHOTO CITY ln W J ROSS manager WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN NO 1 RED CEDAR SHINGLES LUMBER LATH SASH and DOORS PLASTER LIME HAIR AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL square dealings our motto WE op combination ENCE kindling wood for sale all orders delivered by team to spanish fork and lake shore when required telephone no 31 P 0 box provo STAR WR masats beasa eaas J J A meat market lumber yard dealers m all kinds of reopened re opened in opposite poat office LATH PLASTER HAIR choicest meats ID their season GLASS send in your orders p delivery prompt and FENCE oar old patrons aro invited to AISO OF renew acquaintance best of treatment guaranteed jw wassy and ornamental CORNICE PORCH STAIR WORK beas LUMBER comer ath and J st MILL corner ard 3rd and H st mgr telephone no 32 T BARGAINS EVER 01 jo wr abe cit ci t v j ka f ar ajr a yi TC there are worth of floods to be disposed of call and COUNTERS ts t s fi i 9 aa B highest ofalla leavening power latest U S goat report the stronghold of health Is boon carried by the assault of malaria but if Hostet rera stomach bitters is employed aa a bulwark against the disease adeo lute safety is attained the moat virulent forms of disease bred by miasma tainted air and water soon bield to the creative and combative in floence of this efficient safeguard which fortifies the system as no other medi eine up to date haa ever done Itco unta enacts a tendency to neur aleia and kidney complaints overcomes indigestion and liver troubles improves the appetite end promotes d geltion taking for all all it is probably the most useful family remedy in existence and is popular as well as effective use it systematically not at irregular intervals |