Show WAS IT of the case the inquest over the remains of the man found dead in hobble creek canyon near resulted reul ted in no definite knowledge as to the cause of death 10 far but the inquest is still on the jury discovered a hole an inch or BO to the belt of the pit of the stomach which appeared to resemble a wound but tho body had reached such an advanced state of as to make it impossible to determine it was a wound or not the clothing consisted of a black coat and vest with white abote dark striped ant derby hat no 7 con grass shoei and a brown overcoat the man was ot aandy complexion and about 65 year of aie and the body measures 6 leet 3 binche it is of blight build in the pocket was fo unda clr ol 01 hickls rimmed boa a caba and on the case appa arad the following J 8 lewis co opticians 2463 Wai hington avenue ogden ariah there was also a pocket comb and a small miners microscope in hia ware three nickles one dime and a quarter there were no books or letters about the body to indicate the name ef deceased sheriff brown went over this dornink to investigate the matter to sea if there ia any possible cine to the crime if it was a crime |