Show MARSHALS SALE pursuant to an execution to me directed by the district court of the first judicial district lu and forine territory of utah 1 shall expose at public sale at the front door of the county court bouse in the cliv of arrovo county of utan and of utah on the nth day ol 01 april 1895 at 12 m the following described real estate to wit the same being situate in ulan county utah TeKi tory i chains north and ca south 89 deg east of the southwest corner of the northeast norih east quarter of section seven 7 leven 7 stath ot range onrea 3 cast salt lake irence donth sonth 29 deg eaas 10 leei thence north 89 dee west 9 10 feet thence north 1 dag east 10 feet thence south 89 dee east 8 10 feet to place of beginning with all the thereunto belone any wise appertaining thereunto to be BOU aa the of the provo a corporation at uio huit 0 cark and company a corporation terms of salo cabb NAT M U 8 il arshal by thomaa fowier dated march J vr N admey for |