Show letter did it salt lake has unearthed another social scandal originating elsewhere it was in 1892 that dairie partridge who was then residing at bay city mich look a trip to wisconsin for her health caya he Trib nna and after visiting beveral of tb prosperous cities of that grat commonwealth she wrote a let ter descriptive of her travels to a choam in seattle wash meyeral weeks had glided by miss partridge received a letter from j seattle winch she of coarse asa from her relative but noon hopeni ing it she wa astonished to discover that it was from a total stranger the stranger wag william A kimmel and in it ha told a beautiful story of how he had found the letter upon the street and fallen in love with the entertaining manner in which miss partridge had described her conr in conclusion he apologized for the temerity which he exhibited in addressing a jadv whose acquaintance he bad never had the pleasure of making but hopah she would forgive him and answer his tender epistle correspondence follow edthe estranger et ranger visited tha young irl at her home and asked her to be his she consented and after a time there was a marriage tho couple resided at halt lake and this spring the hufhand went off to gat work A friend told the little jadv that the real name was IV S gardner and that be bad a wife living at cleveland 0 investigation proved mi 8 partridge had married a bigamist ir ardner is now under arrest in missouri |