Show chicago republican TEE NEXT PRESIDENT ho is invited to attend the soldiers deunion maior hamilton shot april 3 the complete returns give georae B swift for mayor plurality of the largest eya known here in a bifilar contest ahe civil bervice law was carried by a majority of the other candidates on the republican city ticket all elected although the democratic candidate for city attorney ran nearly ahead of hig ticket the republicans alno made a clean adeep of the town off icea couth north and west and in the annexed of auyde park and lake view while in tia stock yards district oae of the cups posed democratic strongholds strong holds the republican landslide was remarkable dr holm the peeples Peu ples party can didato for major received less thin half as many as polled by the finely last fall judah rep a prominent hebrew is a winner for a seat in the city council hinkey dink kenna went town with the other hn ful opponent being patrick i leason rep buck mccarthy bep won in the stockyards stock yards dietrict thal greatest surprise of the election A bout the only non who wes ex congressman frank lawler independent abe city council will contain fifty R and only eighteen demoi crabb |