Show w AT LAW bank building Build inz PROVO CITY UTAH J J j tf LAWYERS rooms 1314 and 16 union block PROVO CITY UTAH SAMUEL A KING AT luy booms 5 and 7 bank 2 UTAH jaw H AT LAW rooms 11 and 12 corn and savings bank building PROVO CITY UTAH THOMAS JOHN AT LAW excelsior block up stairs PROVO CITY UTAH E E attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH D B AT LAW koome 4 and 6 raed smoot block PROVO UTAH S K KING attorney at law 1 2 3 aad 4 swasey martine bank aldi PROVO CITY UTAH J E BOOTH fittahey AT LAW OFFICE AGENT 23 N J street provo city at law collection agency office bank building UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON AT rooms 4 and 6 reed smoot block FRO VO UTAH SAM katopes topeS sign painter UTAH cornor 7 and ath street R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath st PROVO W B SEARLE cival ENGINEER irritation and water power plans special city surveyor of provi deputy U S mineral auice at court house UTAH honra 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A McCurtain MJ physician m SURGEON office palace blocs residence 24 blocks east bank corner telephone no 45 no 28 PROVO UTAH J F M D physician and block over pyne maidene Mai bene brur store FRO VO CITY UTAH sa s1 alq trade mark and ail a il other patent cuma in the 1 0 promptly B BS lully or belch of in T 10 examination and ad w oT charKe na A afe ss time 1 torna ailon anaf aff aylo s r u attorney in patent washington D 0 Opp oBita U 8 latant offie J H JONES attorney at alvy la tharman office bank building PROVO CITY UTAH JACOB attorney at la w with first national bank building PROVO UTAH attorney at law room 9 bank building PRO CITY S EL ALLEN county surgeon K U W fi ailway no 50 office at resilience smoot brick huumo 1 block baat of tabernacle airy UTAH fire and life insurance J continental of now york norwich union of london northern of london american of toronto national life ot vermont dea moia office at swasey marlina Mar lioa bank provo city st K K L JONES knowlden jones general lire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH i F K REED dentist bave all modern for the practice of operative ana artificial CROWNS AND BRIDGE A SPECIALTY fidall work guaranteed room excelsior block provo dr W S holdaway jr DENTIST formerly occupied by dr J N christensen opposite post office J st satisfaction guaranteed CITY UTAH A lame man is scarcely more than half a man either in comfort or effective work porous plaster cures all sorts of lameness of the back or limbs resulting from strain or taking cold also congestion of the chest everything that an external remedy can reach beware of imitation do not b de adcocks AK cocks corn shields bunion shields have no equal ax a and cure for coms and bunions Brand reths pills remove indigestion constipation liver and kidney complaint FINEST IN TOWN ladies call and eee our beautiful display of PATTERN hata IN and our elegant stock of MILLINERY GOODS latest fashions and moat reasonable prices MISS ELLA stickney yi blocks north of first nat bank S 0 white Ig horns famous knapp strain eeds sale hard times price only 50 cents a setting all orders for eggs and birds shipped promptly address agi mner provo city lumber go box ewe dosith ours for impotence loss of manhood seminal emissions nervousness Set Distrust loss of memory ae will emhe you a strona vigorous cawi pries floo a boxes 5 00 directions mallog with eacle box sac liliant cl aada luola av MO THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER was the first home paper to introduce thib popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to ebud postage prepaid pre paid THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER and THE AMERICAN for one year to any subscriber re siding anywhere in the united states who will forward to us we have recently introduced another feature to our premium department one that is of for only wo will mail to any subscriber in the united states postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE and W an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine that has already become a home necessity among the ladies of utah s for sale A 15 borso horizontal enone and up ngat boiler almost new can be pur together or separately chaap bv applying to P 0 box provo city for over lifty years MRS SOOTHING has for over fifty years by millions of mothers fo their children while teething with perfect success it soothes the child softens the bums all pain cures wind colic is the remedy for it will relieve the poor little guberer immediately sold by in every part ol 01 the world twenty five cents bottle be sure and ask for mrs Win barup and take no other kind to lioan on improved lama and city tv term five years with privilege of part payment of any amount before maturity this money ia loaned on mort eago only thereby granting to borrower the lawful redemption in case of foreclosure low rate ol 01 interest gall on or write george A Duann berry at county r cordera office city utah daa owr arce umer the lone winter evening can ba tory profitably devoted to reading bat there are como things that wa must read the year round one of these is a local paper the beet in the country is bifora yon another is a good home paper of pan cral circulation aach as womankind for instance which comet once a month filled with the best things lor acha busy housewife we ara able by epenial arrangements with the to offer womankind free for a year to deverr paid nn advance to our paper and we are glad to io BO for we are convinced that no home paper in america contains more of practical value to woman bright stories clever poems the latest fashions newa of comans womans work everywhere articles on motherhood cultivation of flow ere a comans womans parliament for the dia cushion of mattera of interest are a few of the bright of womankind to the bead of the house we offer on the same terms farm news an able edited by a practical aimer miller burylo esq lats bbate lecturer of the ohio farmers al lianca and filled each month with from able that make it an absolute necessity to every wide awake farmer this paper la yourn for the asking provided you are a subscriber aub scriber to our paper remember every paid in advance to THE is entitled to his boea of either of theae pacers tell your neighbors about this A cample copy of both pacers may be obtained by addressing co provo utah come in and pay a year in advance to THE and eat one of ther at papers fr tf DR J H MCLEANS 22 BLOOD PURIFIER AN ANTIDOTE FOR loss of appetite low spirits stomach sickness and dyspepsia pleasant to the taste and a favorite tonic the ladled price 91 sold by all druggists THE DR J H MCLEAN MED CO ST LOUIS IVIO al smi sm i bruy jo MINERS outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT AND FOR all kinds of miners supplies CUNNING TONS giant powder caps and anse groceries etc special attention to mail orders V 0 box 66 SALT CITY AND ALL KINDS OE MUSICAL instruments AND SEWING timing and done on the shortest JN otice leave orders at taylor bros furniture store ANDREW SWARD savings bank and trust company sail lake iby utah pays biye per baat interest per annum I 1 on any deposits you masy arito lor particulars irp M CANNON preat cashier eat business conducted for MODERATE fees cua OFFICE is PATENT bed we can secure patent in leas time abow remote from washington i scud model or photo with de scrip atton we U tab e or not free of i charac our fee not due till patent is secured A PAMPHLET how 3 obtain patents cost of same in the U S and foreign acress OPP 0 ace tl C w CALL AT mra W E fos YOUR millinery bials bonnelli Bon nelSi etc latest and newest styles to be bad in the market for the lowest prices west center at bet F and G FANCY stationery furnishes food for benned tastes and those who delight in artistic stationery can find all they desire in our stock weve made a study of art specialties and unique ideas in our line the result is a collection that challenges study an torie fitted up with our specialties in inkstand spens writing papers envelopes etc is a sight to see and a sight worth having too it cost much more to have it than it does to have something not worth seeing give your eyes something to feed on we agree to honor all such drafts promptly handsomely and completely arao M and co corbett henrichsen dealers and manufacturers of the california patent oil gas generating stove these stoves are absolutely bate cheap and odorless and cost one cent an hour for two burberg bur nerg will fit any stove on exhibition and for bale at the provo comparative institution provo atah OF tel WH SMS ilmi DIRECTORS A 0 SMOOT president W R PIKE J G GEO gao Q CANNON B 8 comsa E F SHEETS D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new york chicago ban francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards delivered to any part cf the city bock springs lump castle gate lump pleasant valley lump winter quarters lump rock springs nut castlegate Cast leGate nut anthracite 1100 YARD 17 SMOOT agents PROVO commercial and mm PROVO capital DIRECTORS reed smoot prest D T dark vice breet john jones james A bean roger farrer E R eldredge L S hills J R general banking business transacted 5 per cent interest on savings deboa ts compounded four times a year THE silver spay pumps 1895 arri thoroughly well built of iron and brass durable and reliable have metal valves and with outside packed PLUNDERS the most durable arrangement known the packing ct velch can be tightened in a moment and renewed in a few inan antes there ara no leather malvea or leather packed buckets to dry out aej decay and renewal asvery primp tested at pounds to the degaal to 00 feet mad and all to grages ofil fible BUT pamp already brouett to or made lu telah tor durability and freedom irona derangement THREE SIZES size A 11 single price sabo f ob provo size B ah duplex falce asoo size C 1 duplex we have a few 1894 bumps which we will close out at 5 each WORKS center bt borner E at utah P 0 box L THE general and wagon repairing Repair inK done on the shortest notice HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY first glass work at living prices J street 1 blocks north MELDRUM for some days we have been advertising that we wanted an agent hi provo we knew we would get the right men after a while we think we got em until further notice we will be represented in provo by ae ajack dont forget the name and place X eulid we expect to sweep the bicycle trade of provo right into their store with the line of bicycles they will carry we cant see how it can be otherwise AS A STARTED ve call your attention to the lady crescent bicycle no 5 a high inide bicycle for 50 aliat it ie look at one of them the worth mark shows in every part its exactly like falling heir to 50 to get one of these machines LEB and h sell it but ou may amit to go higher well here is the STERLING built like a atch gets it one hundred sold last year in salt lake and less than 50 spent in repairs if we deop on selling many it wll kia our repair eliop never have any repair on a sterling LEE and lindqu ast 1st will sell it THE SWELL SPECIAL Is the leading cle cand wheel this year watch out for it it will carry utah by storm positively the finest bicycle ever made since the world began LEE and HEDQUIST will sell it OUR REPAIR SHOP can repair anything wheels enamelled enamel led in our natural gas en amel liing ovens good as new the only complete repair shop in utah LEE and will take charge work and send it to us THE FRESHER typewriter is the best machine on alie market easy in touch never out of alignment LEE and HEDQUIST cell it fc end fur catalogue OSO ar GROSHELL president 0 A EMISE and tread main st salt lake city SAVINGS BANK main st salt lake city open saturday evenings from 7 to 8 5 per cent interest paid on deposits of or more and compounded four times a year TITLE INSURANCE TRUST CO capital full paid president W mc vice president A L THOMAS secretary and cashier WW PRICE 2 A BOX positively guaranteed to cure every cas ol 01 catarrh catarrhal diseases require both local anil constitutional treatment directions for using dr G W shores famous curative remedies in all catarrhal chronic diseases dise asas if your have catarrh asthma bronchitis hay fever or any complicate affection of the nose throat bronchial tubes or lungs use dr G W shores catarrh cure cough cure and tonic and blood purifier to cure the catarrh stop the cough cleanse aal purify the blood improve the appetite and if complicated with kidney liver or bladder trouble ue dr G W shores kidney and liver cure ani in all cases take one of dr G W shores anti con pills at bedtime if your trouble is and jeep seated write dr G W shores personally tor his new symptom list and have your case diagnosed and fret expert advice free dr 0 W shares tonic end blood purifier cleanses and purifies puri fips the blood elves strength aal vigor cures dyspepsia and all nervous diseases price 1 per bottle dr 0 W shores kidney and cur cures all diseases of the kidneys liver and bladder price 1 per bottle dr 0 w cough cure runs all coughs colds and bronchial affections one dose will stoy croup keep a bottle in tha bouse larf iz bottles or 0 W shores mountain sage oil stops th worst pain in one minute for headache toothache cramps or colic use it externally and internally ter nally prevents and cures diphtheria if used la time keen a bottle handy price kc a bottle dr 0 W shores pepsin Hugo destroy intestinal boms and removes the little round nest her they hatch and breed it never fall price a boef dr 0 W shores wintergreen WInter ereen salve cure ax of the skin removes red spots and black pimples from the face heals old sores in price 25 a box dr 0 W shores anti constipation hlll cures chronic constipation sick headache and bilious attacks price csc a bottle these famous remedies are prepared only by doctor G W shores alons medical institute salt laic city utah for sale by smart co provo utah WM J mechanical engineer AND boose architect glaub for factories mills and power plants scow burning construction especially considered water power hydraulic work measurement of water etc member american society mechanical engineers SILVER PO BoiL |