Show TRUSTEES BALE whereas ane 0 aieleen and andrew L by their certain deed of trust dated the day of march 1890 and duly recorded in the county Ee cordera office of the county and territory of utah in no 15 of mortgages on page 6 bold and con deved to the undersigner undersigned under signed trustee the following described real estate situate in the said county of utah territory of utah to wit begin five chains south ol 01 the N E corner of the south half of the northeast quarter of section twenty one 21 in township six boath of range two east sall lake meridian thence west forty chains thence adouth five chains thence east forty chains thence north five chains area twenty acres in trust for tho purpose of securing the payment of a certain note executed and delivered by said ano 0 aieleen and andrew L nielsen to the utah county savin KB bank which baid note ia fully described in said deed of trust and for a more particular description of eaid note reference is hereby made to said deed as a part hereof and whereas according to the terms and conditions of said note und eaid deed of said note is due and no part thereof has been paid except the inter est thereof to august 18 1993 and whereas it was and ia provided in said deed of trust that should default be made in ahe payment of said note and the interest that might accrue thereon ia provided therein that aid under signed trustee should proceed to sell aid property or so much thereof as might bo necessary at public auction 10 abe bidder for cash at the benching house ol 01 the utah county avinge bank in fiovo city utah for he pee of fulfilling and di ne abe duties and obligations of said and whereas the legal owners lad holder ef qaid promissory note to wit the utah county savin ga bank hae requested said undersigner undersigned under signed trustee to proceed to sell said property accords ng to abe terms and ot said lead ol 01 trust and to discharge tha duties and obligations thereof now therefore ther elore aba trustee aforesaid at the request of said utah county savings bank the legal owner bolder and payee of said promissory note will in accordance with the terms and conditions of eaid deed of trust on abe day of april 1885 at abe banning house of the said ceab county savings bank in provo oily utah at 12 noon of that dav sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all of said property or fo much thereof as shall be necessary to pay aalde note and interest and aaa iafe tho earna and said deed ot trust WILLIAM H KINC dated io city mah april and 2nd |