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Show ? I i i i ' i -f ! - ' . - .-..i . .V i M ; I n:!!:r-0-,;i::r3 P:!l t: At:t: IJuisr.cc Iill E: Arrested end Vij-: Vij-: crcusly Prc::cutei The moke nuisance in Ealt Lake is to be finally abated. The anti-emoke ordinance or-dinance which was vetoed by the May-. May-. or, has been amended and reoeived his approval yesterday after its passsage by the City Council. Mayor Thompson, when seen by a Telegram reporter today, said: "I want to see the smoke nuisance In this city abated Just as much as any one else. It is a menace to cleanliness and comfort. I am, and always have been, strongly in favor of enforcing the smoke ordinance, and I shall give spe-cif spe-cif instructions to the Chief of Police Jnl regard to the enforcement of the aVje. V:olators "Will Be Arrested. "Owners of boilers that come within the provision of the new ordinance will be given a reasonable time in which to install smoke consumers, and if they are then found to be violating the ordinance ordi-nance they will be arrested and prosecuted." prose-cuted." His only object, the Mayor said, in vetoing the other ordinance was to have It brought again before the members of the Council for their reconsideration. The use of a smoke-consumer on a boiler that is used merely for heating purposes is impracticable, and the passing pass-ing of an ordinance such as this, before it was amended, would have worked a grave hardship and been an injustice to the owners of boilers that are fired only occasionally. No Distinction Was Hade. , The ordinance as first passed by the City Council made no qualifications and required that smoke-consumers be installed in-stalled in all plants where the boilers were of ten. horse-power or more. Mayor Thompson disapproved the ordinance or-dinance and when he returned the measure to the City Council he also sent a letter from the agent of the American Stoker company, which he had received. Inviting the attention of the members to his statement that the use of a stoker in boilers of small capacity was impracticable im-practicable and unnecessary. How tha Consumer Works. The average person has a meager conception of what a smoke-consumer really is and ! how the contrivance abates the coal-smoke nuisance. In order or-der that it may be understood how the smoke is consumed and why It is impracticable im-practicable in" boilers of small capacity, iriay be well to explain to the public thU principle of the smoke-consumer. Kery one dislikes to see soot scattered ' about and the skies constantly black with enormous clouds of ugly smoke. , Smoke is caused by the Improper combustion com-bustion of the products of coal, and soot is nothing more than unburat carbon, - one of the coal ingredients. Many peo- - pie have the mistaken idea that a smoke-consumer is a device placed in the chimney or smokestack which arrests ar-rests or consumes the smoke in some way. This, however, is not so. The problem of smoke abatement is solved right at the furnace, and is obtained by the production of perfect combustion. A smoke-consumer or smoke-abater or stoker or by whatever name it may be called is a device that Insures as far as . possible a complete combustion of the coal products in the furnace. . Regulates Fuel and Air. : - Regularity of supply'of both fuel and air and a steady temperature must be obtained to maintain the balance between be-tween the distillation and combustion of the coal products. A regular supply of fuel is obtained by using an auto- matlc feeder, and the air is supplied by a blower, usually run by a motor. This is the principle Involved in, every stoker. "With the aid of a stoker where combustion com-bustion is nearly perfect the only products pro-ducts that escape by the chimney are: Water-vapors, carbonic acid, nitrogen - and sulphurous acid. Where the conditions condi-tions of combustion are not perfect, in addition to the above products, the following fol-lowing unburnt or partly burnt distillation distilla-tion product are given off: Hydrogen, hydrocarbons, carbonic oxide and unburnt un-burnt carbon In a finely divided state, which is soot. Why Distinction Is Made. - from this explanation it is seen why tri ould be impracticable to use a sn-iTil-consumer in a furnace where the boiler1 was not being used tor the continuous con-tinuous generation of power, because a ' steady feed of coal would not be necessary. neces-sary. The disagreeable feature of smoke was realized even in the time of Queen Elizabeth, and it may be interesting to know that James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine, also had the first smoke-abating invention patented. It was in the year 1785. |