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Show - - - - - - " j ii I : , . . ' O" I I .. - t -' - ' - ', . Joseph Ilerron. . a -painter of Ealt Lake, had a narrow escape from death by drowning- in the Sanitarium baths on Third South street last nlht, and is now at the Holy Cross, hospital in a critical condition. Ilerron, who' is accounted g-ood swimmer, had been in the largre rear pool for nearly three -quart era of an hour, entering about :0 o'clock. He was swimming near the south end when his strength left him and he sank. When Herron came up the first time he shouted ."Help!" A boy who was in that department of the baths heard him and quickly called two of the attendants from adjoining; Quarters. Herron had sunk by the time his rescuers res-cuers reached him and was unconscious when taken from the water. He revived, however, in a few min-uates. min-uates. and Dr. Chandler, who was called, expressed the opinion that his injuries were not serious. - Herron then attempted to dress himself, him-self, but grew wors quickly and suffered suf-fered intense pain. - The physician was recalled and worked with him nearly all nlg-ht and until noon today. At 1 o'clock this afternoon Herron was taken to the Holy Cross hospital, where he will be confined for at least three weeks as the overexertion In the hot water has brought on pneumonia. - Herron recently came to Salt Lake from California.. He is a member of the local Painters' union and is a sober, industrious in-dustrious man about 36 years old. He rooms at 151 South West Temple street. |