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Show ' ASSESSMENT HO. 4L. ' ." -- The Madeleine Mining company. Offlea and principal place of bualneea. Salt Lata ; ' ' City, Utah. Notice Is hereby given that . , . at a meeting of tha directors of tha Mad- -elelne Mining company held on tha 26th: day of March. 1903, an aeeesement of one-' ' ' fourth 04) of one O) cent per ahare wai." levied on all tha ahare. of tha capital stock of tha corporation laaued and cot-" standing, payable Immediately to the aee- retary at hla of flee. No. 327 D. F. Walker building Salt Lake City, Utah. Any atock upon which tha assessment may remain, unpaid on April 30. 1903. will be dehnquantir'. and advertised for sale at public auction, and unlesa payment is made befors. many of tha shares represented by eacht certificate of tha stock so delinquent aieP" may bo necessary will b. aold on tha iUH . day of May. 1903, at 13 o'clock noon, pay the delinquent assessment, togwther -with th. coat, of advertising and expense." " Of aalak A. J. WEBER. U,PI Secretary. By order of tha board of directors. Salt - - take City. March 3C. 1906. |