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Show 1 sEiraiisfflis !f U LOVING CUP U M Wins Garae With Detroit and : Receives More Than ' s i ' $500 in Cash. i j American League, j ' Yisterdty results. : 4 . "ew York. 1: Chicago. 4.. t Philadelphia. 4; St, Louis. 1. "4; Washington. 3: Detroit. 2. - j Boston, i. Q; Cleveland, 5. 7. SM't Wca. Lett. PC. In hii.d.iphu a Ml it . Cleveland SS gj. - XVWact0B " ? -JF. Cfclearo , ...SI Ji me ? j Detroit a to i I su Loan u st S SI M .20 'ifrllj WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. "Johnson !r'l 4 day" attTact4d President Wilson and the ,ar5est crowd of the season to American League park today to see Walter John- ? ) EOn "Washington's star pitcher, presented ' , tv"lth a huge 6llver loving cup filled with S q crisp new $10 bills. Johnson -won his (V,! game. 3 to 2. The day marked the sixth anniversary f of the pitcher's big league career. Al- 'ircT 1 thoush nine hits were made off him they 3rl S were widely scattered, and he held De- i troit, the team he faced here six years j :jB, j ( ago, safe all the way. 1 Th lovinsr cup was presented to him i9irW by tn6 "tens." In It were more than $500 'WpHjJ In bills, and as he accepted the gift il'rHi Players of both teams picked up a yel- .ill) lowback and wiped his brow with it '''fili President Wilson Joined heartily In the ' ceremonies, cheering: and applauding as fil loud aB any ot tne opectatora. He ar- VtA rived after Johnson received the gift. tiiSi 2 but save tho pitcher a great hand when tC 4 neventered the box. I DETIIOIT-WASHINGTON. I.J ' DSTP.orr j Washington'. h,ftti A3.R.H.O.A.I AB.B.H.O.A. f JB Eaib. m ..SI I 2 St Mceller, J .i 1 0 T 0 kf'3fv.i EiumiD. :b.5 1 2 2 i;rmer. 3b.. .3 1111 ftf3 H Crarf'd. U S 0 2 0 C XIIMJ. tl ..i o o : 0 iiV Cobfc' 0 0 J. 0 Calll. lb. ..4 12 7 0 1-N I VieJ, II ..( ( : 0 OiMoren, 2b. .S 0 113 ' h CtUr, lb 3 0 0 11 ftlCtJve, zi 1 0 1 0 0 f i i' MeKf. c... 0 0 S l! AcoiU. rf...3 0 0 0 0 V MM Hor-:-, Jb..l 0 12 2H'BrM. M..J 0 0 Z 1 fclj V Dxuii. p....S 0 0 0 4'Alnmltb. c.t 0 0 6 0 J? 3 "High I 0 0 0 0lJoh3on. p. .3 0 1 0 1 K i TeuU ..17 2 g 21 f TataU ...2? 2 6 27 3 j ijj Ditta lor Dci la ike rlnth. r mJ' 1' Sror br Isnlnsi ' j ll! Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 jyjtj Wuhlr.fitoa 0 0 0 I 2 0 0 0 -3 U Summiry; Zrron Dah 12). Dium (2). Milan, I.? ?1 Morsan. Acotti. T-jpo-baie hlU Buh. Crtwjord, ; Gandll. Morcn SAcrlflct hlU-MIUo. McBride. ( i Surlflea !I-Gtlar. SloUn biitt-J!o!)er tafl j, Cn6ll La on bjtt Detroit. 10; Wttblastoa, );, ) 7. Bii on bill-0.'r DUK. 3; o!f Johnaon. 1. J&H i5 r'rt oa rror8 Detroit, 2: Waahlngton. 2. EtrucJc oiu Bj Dawi, 2; by Johnaoa. 4. Tastei Wjffl i fi tall McKtc. Tlaa of jarn 1 hour (0 ralnutea. J. t 'I L'mpirra yfrsaa aai Cocaollr. mh Ji |