Show NW HOTEL TO Of BE CUD IN 81 S l. l Story Six-Story Structure to Be Beat Beat Beat at West Temple and South Temple Plans for a story six-story hotel to be erected on oh the southeast corner of West Vest Temple and South Temple streets were announced Saturday by Ashton Evans architects The hostelry Is to be financed d and nd owned by the ZIo Zions Zion's s 's Securities s corporation P. Ii t on It Is that property extending from the Sharon b building on South Temple to West Temple and south bouth about feet has has' been acquired for lor the building accordIng according according accord accord- ing to Raymond L. L Evans a member mem- mem mem mem- her ber of ot the architectural firm The building will contain approximately approximately rooms with bath Mr 11 Evans said eald In addition n to the lobby the ground floor will provide a cafe news news' stand barb barber r shop anc and stores The building will be of at brick and concrete construction cUon faced with teria terra cotta The hotel will cater to the travelIng traveling trav tray eling cling public Mr Evans s said sald ld anc ancin and andin andin in this connection Will feature a large storage garage in the rear of ol the hotel building with a capacity of seVeral hundred cars Plans for the construction tIon of or the building have been und under r way for some sonie orile time Mr 1 Ev Evans ns said Construction Construction Construction Con Con- is planned to begin within ninety d days Ys |