Show BROKER LINKED It IN FENCE BODE CHICAGO Oct 20 AP AP Investigation gation of wh what t authorities authorities- termed an an international fence ferice for the sale of oC stolen bonds bunds tonight had in involved In- In Edward EdwardJ J. J Sweeney Chicago broker in charges of oC operating a confidence game and possessing stolen property and had led lcd to a search for or G George orge Remus former ormer king of or bootleggers y i and wIfe wife slayer Discovery of ot cards cards bearing Remus' Remus name in Sweeneys La Salle street bond house reminded Michigan City Ind police ponce they had seen himle him le recently at Sweeneys Sweeney's home In Michigan Michigan Mich lIch igan Is-an City Orders were given to bring In Remus for or questioning Inthe in inthe inthe the hope that he the could tell something something something some some- thing of oC the alleged dealings In stolen securities Sweeney was arrested at Michigan Michigan Michigan Michi Michi- gan City early in the day and held for Cook county officers who left here late today with with- warrants for him Louis of Baltimore swore out a warrant charging Sweeney with receiving stolen property He Is president of Oil the Finance company of America ca at Baltimore from which bonds stolen last February were traced by In- In Inspectors to Sweeney brokerage broke States State's attorneys charged thai h f stolen bonds sold In Cologne G Ga Ger many Baltimore Columbus ChI CM cago eago and Detroit had been traced trace to Sweeneys Sweeney's offices |