Show Schools to Observe Navy Day I Roosevelt Birthday on Friday Is I's s' s l lor Exer Exercises appropriate for observance observance ance of ot annual Navy aV day and the seventieth ev birthday a anniversary of the late Theodore Roosevelt Roose lt will be beheld held I in public schools Friday day Oct October Oc Oc- t tober ber 26 according to announcement announce announce- ment Plent Saturday by George N N. Child sch school ol f superintendent lent S Governor nor ae George rge II H. Dern Issued the e following proclamation n ca calling U g I for fr suitable observance ance of ot Navy y day This year jear ear our country is cele edo bratIng the anniversary of the Inception of our na nay nary y During that period from Octo October e 27 1775 to the Ule present date it h has s grown from four small sloops of 01 w war r to one of 01 the tue two mightiest armadas afloat S S It Is essential that we of a g great at inland state should know our navy just as well as our coastal sisters who are thrown into daily dally contact with the active forces of our great fleets leets The Tile Navy league of America Isan Isan is isan an organization of patriotic citizens who have ha devoted their time and efforts to place the navy pavy before the eyes of ot the tle ic Amea-ic American people in Its true sense of value of-value as a vital and potent factor in the prosperity of our nation Our country's efficient sea force force- today is an effective gesture of ot peace peace a a. bulwark of ot protection and anda a 0 living monument to patriotic pride I 1 George II H. Dern governor of oC the state of ot Utah do hereby designate an and set apart Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- urda October 27 1928 the tue one onehundred onehundred onehundred hundred and fifty fifty- third fifty third anniversary of ot the birth of our nay navy as navy da day and call upon the tue people of Utah to commemorate tho the occasion w with ith fitting exercises exercises- in ev er e every ery city town and hamlet and I do urge especially that appropriate exercises s bo be conducted in every wery school and Institution of learning throughout lh the slate state on October 26 l S I |