Show TR TROOPS Or TO 10 PlA AT WAR SAN A ANTONIO Oct 20 AF APOn APOn AP- AP On an imaginary battle line stretching stretchIng stretching stretch- stretch Ing fifty miles across the hill hm co coun country country coun- coun un try north and wes west of ot San Antonio troops of r th the Second army division will clash at a zero zelo hour some time before dawn Monday In the most imposing field maneuvers peacetime military forces have undertaken A hypothetical army of ot more than men will participate Three Blue armies will take tl their positions to defend San Antonio Antonio An An- tonio against Red forces while high officers of ot organized reserve divisions national guard units and regular regiments of ot the Eighth corps area view the combat Although It will present sent none of ot tho the spectacular features of ot a n sham battle tho the army command post ex cx- erciso is expected to be ot of much value In training higher officers in handling problems they would have ha to face tace In time of ot war Commanders I and staff officers of ot the First and Second cavalry divisions and First division regular army will be present pres pres- present ent ant as well as those of l the Fifty Fifty- Fi ty sixth cavalry brigade and Texas Oklahoma New Now Mexico Arizona and Colorado reserves to direct troop movements Representatives of ot England I France Germany and oth r foreign governments and officers from the war college at Washington will be present as observers 3 t J Jor For Tor more than a n. year army officers officers orn cers at Fort Sam Houston have been working out the problem in which attacks will be launched by Infantry cavalry artillery tank and machine gun units supported support by a fleet of oC airplanes Headquarters of ot the various groups will be established miles back of ot the lines Telephone lines I will be laid a code system used for fori i i i messages and conditions will bo be made as actually real as possible i Various command posts scattered I about over the large area will beI be bo coordinated I by runners rU wire wire- consI com cons I radio and plan planes s. s Headquarters Headquarters Head- Head I quarters will be at Fort Sam Hous I ton Major General Ch Charles rles P. P Summerall SUmmerall Sum- Sum merall chief of ot staff of the United States army will supervise the problem and Secretary of ot War Wari Dwight W. W Davis Is e expected to ber be i present r i |