Show Brigham Youth I Injured When Struck k by Auto J BRIGHAM CITY Oct 20 O 20 How ard ard- Davis rd Davis 8 5 who resides resides- with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Willm Wilm Wil- Wil lm Him m Conner in this city sustained deep adeep cut across the left lert side of Ns ils Is face cut cuts about the mouth and was v s rendered unconscious at o'clock clock Friday when struck by an automobile driven by Bishop N. N J J. J Valentine He lie wai wal given attention at a local hospital According to to Marshal J J. IJ R. R Evans Evas Mr Valentine Valentino was driving west on Sixth North street and as he approached a beet wagon driven by Lorenzo Pett the he boy jumped from the wagon and ran In front of ot his car which struck the lad The bishop picked the boy up and rushed him to the hospital then reported re reported re- re ported the accident to Marshal Evans The boys boy's mother Mrs I Irene ene Davis Is living In jn Bur Burley ey Ida |