Show London Police Expert Would Use Lash in iii War Upon Chicago Gangs LO LONDON N Oct 20 AP Strike AP-Strike Strike at atthe atthe atthe the top use usa the lash and eliminate te delay In administration of Justice urges ex-Chief ex De Detective Inspector Arrow formerly of Yard In writing in the Daily Express on how he would clean up Chicago Arrow resigned from Scotland Yard Oto to take up a a. special appointment appointment appointment appoint appoint- ment under the Spanish government govern govern- ment nent ent as as' as chief of 01 the detectives staff at Barcelona If t I had to clean up Chicago ho he s says ays I should start at Wash Wash- ash ash- ington Washington must first be tie made to realize that criminals should sh uld be punished and not pam pam- The machinery of the administratIon administration administration ad- ad ad ad- ministration of ot justice needs a drastic overhauling Murderers must no longer be allowed to escape capItal cap cap- ital punishment as long as Ss their money lasts Justice e must be speeded up The inevitability ine of th the English criminal law V would work wonders if ff it were applied in Amer Amer- tea lea Politics hoUld should be ce divorced from police w work rk There should be an end to graft in high places I It clogs the wheels of the machinery of Justice Inspector Ex-Inspector Arrow suggests one criminal Investigation department for tor the whole United States and andOne andone andone one central records office for the registration of ot criminals instead of or a a. multiplicity of police forces that often work at purposes cross-purposes and fall fail to pool their resources s ant and information It Is essential the former Scotland Scot Scot- Scotland land Yard man says that legislation legislation legislation legisla legisla- tion should be passed and enforced so that criminals will no longer be beable beable beable able to buy and carry w weapons capons with I Impunity v. is |