Show English Spiritualists to Wage it Fight ight for Religious Freedom LO LONDON ON AP Great APi-Great Creat Britain is isto isto isto to to have a. a spiritualist bloc fighting for psychic ps freedom for themselves themselves themselves them them- selves and their mediums In the forthcoming British general elec elec- tion Political leaders point out that this this this-is Is a phase of tolerance which has not entered Into the United States presidential campaign Sir Arthur Conan Doyle keynoter keynoter keynoter key for the spiritualists s s there are spiritualist churches in this country With members mem mem- bers bels There are ate thousands of followers followers fol fol- lowers of or the movement who wiio are not members and it is likely that Theosophists and oth other r sects would swing to the Spiritualist banner for political action With that number we have the tha material for a strong political weapon declared Sir AI Arthur ur and d' d I. I we shall I hope vote vole en bloc for forthe forthe forthe the party sympathetic to our alms aims By freedom Sir Arthur who is one of or the leaders of the spiritualist movement throughout the world declared he meant freedom free tree dom dam from police interference and the general lifting of or any legal ban upon spiritualistic activities We Ve want mediums to be allowed to work perfectly freely In our churches said Sir Arthur and not I at their peril subject to police visItation visitation vis via i and possible prosecution I As for tor our relations with the Church of England I 1 should say that between quarter one-quarter and one- one third of the spiritualist churches are run on purely Christian lines The great majority are run on unitarian uni- uni tartan lines every reverence being paid tow toward ard the chiefs and prophets of every great religion in Jn the world t Li I S 'S 5 |