Show uv ARMOUR SIAn S UP mR CHICAGO Oct 20 AP The AP-The The Thelast last chapter of or a no talc tale of high fi finance finance U- U nance nanco In which one of or the greatest fortunes In American history dwindled from more than OO- OO to was was was' being written today with the probating o of the estate of or the late Jonathan Ogden Ogden Ogden Og- Og den den Armour millionaire meat pack packer r. r How the tho former head of the tho Armour Arm Ar- Ar m mour Ur company who died In London August 16 1927 1921 had made unwise investments to forestall financial disaster ls Is bared In the Inventory of the estate But the investments instead of or recouping for him the losses that laid had pare pared down his fortune to 60 including pledges to two banks at the time Ume of his death had hads s Whittled it down to The shown by the tho inventory Inventory in In- n- n Is In assets in Armours Armour's own name and Is cle clear But the remainder of or the residue of that once great wealth Is beclouded in doubt There are worth of or desperate and doubtful notes pledged to the Armour Packing l company pledged to the tho Continental and National National Na Na- al banks to cover Indebtedness and at least representing miscellaneous properties both personal personal per per- Ional and real most of ot which is pledged Included In the property which he be used as collateral for plunges Inthe in inthe inthe the market and other investments was tho the old Armour homestead on Michigan avenue The stocks consist chiefly chiel of ot utilities oils mining and Armour Co |