Show 1 I Pra Fraternal 1 tf S S d ERICH J. J SCHRADER I fRATS PRAISED DY BY LJ Theta heta Tau National ScribeS Scribe H Here re for Annual AlumS Alumni Alum Alum- S S ni Banquet National fraternities both social and nd professional are some of ot the greatest Institutions which have ever ver been developed In Ia Americas America's college ollege world according to Erich J. J Schrader chrader grand national scribe of the IB Theta Tau Thu fraternity who arrIved arrived arved ar- ar rIved ved In Salt Lake Saturday evening eve- eve fling ning ng for the annual alumni banquet of the University of ot Utah chapter at t the New Newhouse house hotel They have done more to promote good fellowship in colleges and universIties uni- uni throughout the country than ian any ally other one thing tiling he lie de- de dared ared They are a definite aid to toe the e moral and cultural welfare of I the IB present generation Mr 11 Schrader is at present on a a. tour our of Inspection tIon of ot the various chapters of Theta Tau He is well known mown as a mining engineer in inmany inmany many western states with his pres pre ent nt residence at Reno Nev He lIe was one ne of the founders of ot Theta Tau S |