Show I I Glenway Wescott Offering in Weeks Week's 1 48 Volume Book Crop A Best Selling GLENWAY WESCOTT v I Goodbye Wisconsin Sec Sec- Second Second ond Book by Harper Prize PrizeWinner Winner Vinn r Other Nov Novels ls Listed By NEA NEA- BOOK SURVEY In a single week seek something like important publications have been released to the public book shelves This seems to us about one too man many even for fOl those high speed readers developed by the 5 cents cents-a day cents day circulating libraries Wading confusedly through a fraction of ot these volumes we have attempted to minimize the confusion confusion sion aba b by listing those we consider particularly worth worthy of ot attention Goodbye e Wisconsin Harpers Glenway Wescott having won the Harpers Harper's prize with The GrandI Grandmothers Grand Grand- I mothers and thus become a best selling author at the age of 26 26 re returned returned re- re turned to his native heath after acter some years in France This is a collection of ot stories and articles giving the young oung mans man's impressions of his home state state as he found It it some of the persons he knew there and son somo of oC their stories Several of them are ale excellent Giant Killer John Da Day Day This This is the American Book Bool Sellers' Sellers se selection selection se- se lection and as one might suspect deals with Davd of fame Approaching the subject from flom an angle Elmer Davis seeks to explain how David got gotway away way with his various Da Davis vi insists that David covered up his crimes because he heVa was wa an artist ar ar- ar- ar dramatizing all things and turning them Into song Its It's a very Interesting study and story Theresa Simon the first full length novel to come from Arthur in 20 rears ears and hence an event In this book he turns about face and leaves behind him his his' gay amatory adventures of Anatol and Max Ia This is not another another another an an- other of his light sophisticated tales It is it a tremendous and moving moving moving ing hu human nan document the stor story o of ofa ofa a a governess who goes from home to home in Vienna and through whose experiences the author Is Isable isable isable able to trace an endless assortment assortment assort assort- ment of patterns Jingling in the Wind Viking b by Elizabeth Madox l Roberts One of our finest prose writers turns whimsical producing a ga gay and poetic and amusing tale of a rainmaker rain rain- maker whose preeminence is challenged challenged chal chal- by ly a young woman Its It's quite a departure for Miss Roberts whose tales to date have been brooding and tr tragic ic g-ic r B By wa way of further s 's summary mmary T T. S Stribling again assails his hill hillbilly hillbilly hillbilly billy folk of Tennessee in Bright ht Metal 1 Edna St. St Vincent Millay appears with her first book of or poems in five years ears A Buck In the Snow Max Beerbohm a minor genius g-enius has another book of i inimitable inimitable sketches A Variety of Things his publishers announce a great discovery in Heyward Canne Canney Canney Can- Can ne ney whose Sentry they have just brought out Stone Desert by Hugo Wast is i ithe the Argentine prize novel and The Whisper of a Name by Marie larIe le e Franc Is Is- Isa a translation of the prize winning Femina novel Femina is a French magazine Paul Paulde Paulde Pauldo de do Kruif of Microbe Hunters fame arne has another romance of scientific scientific sd- sd achievement In Hunger Fighters William 1 McFee has a aswell aswell aswell swell biography of Frobisher the mighty seaman James Whartons Wharton's Squad is perhaps the best of the hard-boiled hard war tales and Wassermann Wassermann Wasser- Wasser mann the great German writer wilter has hassou sou sought ht to sol e an ancient mystery of Nuremberg in Casper Hauser |