Show Varied Co Courses Are re Offered ere by byU U U. Ext Extension Courses Cours s as varied as clog clos dane dane- dancIng dancing ing and the philosophy of ot l taw w arc Included in the downtown extension work of ot the University of ot Utah which begins the week weel of October 22 T The To e full rull program comprises es 65 courses making an an attractive program program program pro pro- gram In adult education The courses are In part designed to help men and women keep up with their jobs an and In part planned to opportunities for study of cultural subjects in art literature and ael- ael science ence n e. e A registration office for the tho various various va va- va- va rious courses has been established on the main floor of the tire Utah Power Pow Pow- er and Light company in the Kearns building Students may also reg regis reg s' s ter at the hour and place of the 1110 first meeting of or each of ot the va various vari vai ious i- i ous courses Courses are offered In ture tuie art aviation biological science scIence science ence business chemistry econom economics ics ice education English geography 1 history and political science law modern languages music philosophy philosophy phy physical education psychology gy ST radio so sociology speech western western western west west- ern history and zoology |