Show lashes Up Other Woman Womanise ise tise Works Wrong Plenty of Turkeys I 1 Gets Talking To ToI l' l CAGO Oct 20 United Press L Y toria ia Yonan 32 who said V Just has to try to get even r r. r ner er husbands husband's other woman D time she goes to Oak park I bd punishment for her third ron Mrs Elsie Elsie Maye Mays Me- Me J jin by pleading the unwritten V rJ ury Ury ry freed Mrs Yonan when that she beat Mrs Mc Me- A because she lured my husU hus hus- U away away from me 5 4 k nr ws Away Rings Oct 20 United orenzo I Lorenzo S. S Do Besa Pian vIce consul here thought LUd bo be amusing to surprise his lils WIth two diamond rings ped Pd 1 in a Street car transfer day h he had private detectives wig ng th the tho gems ware ware of its valuable contents l e Besa Bess threw w the ball of rom the window of the au au- 11 10 at a busy corner De Besa t ed d when he asked her how she tho diamonds J je setting was found and It lb believed the diamonds had be- be If bedded in the tires of f pass- pass PROSPECTS BRIGHT HINGTON Oct 20 AP AR 1 prospects are bright for plen- plen of eats turkey day The de dement de- de ment of agriculture forets forets fore- fore Its ts ts that the principal ingre- ingre mt nt of Thanksgiving dinner lube 4 per percent cent more I-an I than an last year Boobs on Broadway Ey lV YORK YORI Oct 20 AP The test tet boobs known to the Rev Parkes Cadman are on dway and the greatest hay- hay the most crowded centers t st llo o books g give ve me a good solid pine In American farmer he orated in an address orated C S S i AGO GO uv C ct t t. 20 AP AP There l Some onie odd laws to watch out for forone yg one be Jenkins sir butler 11 to o the vie vIce j J. Butler I dent of the United States 1 They arrested Jar 1 1 y G Gets e ets I Jenkins do butlers but but- Arrested lers have first firsta a- a O- O names names for rid- rid J p. p icycle without a light on it m n enkins sir he said butlo butto but to lo VIce President Dawes sir 0 c police w went ent into a huddle and 11 tied the tho infraction was really heinous as might appear es- es since it was vas Jenkins so ully n- Ui to and andO fave ve him a good talking taUting J. J It O 0 at that hat WAR ON SIGNBOARDS ATLANTA Ga Oct 20 AP Drews ws of workmen were being fa d today to begin a cru- cru al aI all advertising sign- sign FulT Ful- Ful ards on every very highway in 1 T s action n followed adoption resolution yesterday by the Iton county board of commis- commis piers Iners directing Captain A. A AZark A. A of superintendent ark Zark rk county works to notify all out- out bl biro C r ad ad firms to re reve reve re- re ive ve their signs immediately pito have the county remove individuals se erected by irh The resolution does not affect erected on property by the ners 4 f rid l' l J Player layer Weds Weds' I Ir r iNO rNO NO Nev Oct 20 AP AP While teammates were busy t v v r the v. v football game e-ame e this aft- aft o against the University of ot aaa d Wayne Hubbard right tb bal back Cl Clon on the the College of f toft slipped away from his com com- s and Secured a a marriage There tS to wed 1 Ad- Ad dt t They are both from Stock Stock- tock tock- The he girls gills father is advertis- advertis of the Stockton Inde- Inde nt 3 S S S SL U 7 L ORE Md 1 Oct 20 20 Unit Unit- Press Governor Alfred E. E Press Governor gj i- Smith 4 indirectly ov Smith saved the life of a aboy at boy here t t c S Save S. aye James J. J T. T Bur Bur- of Boy late 7 z Thursday i- i f t was struck ilan automobile The wheels p- p Pled ped ed over his chest and stomach iS e driver Felix Thornton put leil unconscious child hIld in his car took tool him to St. St Josephs Joseph's hos- hos J 3 attendants Immediately undressing the boy to find Inny ny of his ribs and Internal r had been crushed They off ff his blouse first and with louse l use came came twenty thick card- card placards bearing the picture e el vernor Smith ot campaign posters had pro- pro dT James from shoulder to hip hipe e efter i a close examination only h f bruises were found on his h. h i MINERS CHIVALROUS Pa Oct 20 tOE tOE-Chiv tO Chivalrous are members 9 United Mine Work- Work d In convention assembled J jy y f resolved that men young 11 dold fold old should wear hats beise bese be- be ise se the f fad d of going bare bare- I tr eded led has thrown thousands Ilof work Then a delegate delegato oed ed that action be taken i ut short skirts which have textile mills to suffer was done about it Q J J- J |