Show J Indian Chief to Speak in S. S L. L 1 j I S Jc S 5 S. S 5 S S M S S S S S SS S SS S S S S S S S S Z S 5 S 55 S SS S S. S S 5 I IS S S S 5 S. S S. S 5 S SS S z S S. S 5 S S S I CHIEF LONG Co LANCE 1 Buffalo Child Long Lance Lanc Will Address BonS Bonneville Bonneville Bon- Bon S neville Club Chief Chiet Bu Buffalo f Jo Child Long LanGe Lance author war c captain and Indian chief will address the Bonneville club dinner at 7 o'clock Monday nl night ht at tho the Hotel Utah He is expected to arrive here Monday AV A. A W. W IvIns o of the first presidency of the L L. L D. D S. S church and an authority authority authority author author- ity on Indian life Ilfe will be toast- toast master S Chief Chiet Long Lance Lance- Is highly educated edu edu- and is a graduate of or CarlisleS Carlisle and nd Manlius universities He Is master S of three distinct Indian Indian- languages His Ris' latest literary effort effort ef af- ef- ef fort fOTt is entitled Long Lance which deals eals with the most dramatic period of Indian life ute The Tho chief thief who Js is a a. full tun blooded Bla Blackfoot foot who In In- boyhood roamed the plains of Montana Alberta and Manitoba r received a number of ot medals for gallantry In action duning during during dur dun ing the tIle World war I |