Show BOARD LENIES P PAROLE AROU St SlAnn iO en Sentences T Ter- Ter er ra mated d Eleven Others Oth Oth- ers Paroled r Ie eph r l E. E convicted of murder In With th the ho slaying of ot Patrolman Crowther headed the tile list of ot lets c which were denied parole of ot sentence by the o of pardons Saturday entY nine applications were cases were continued e sentences were terminated evel were placed irole Ibert Green 20 O who has served months and two t days on a foor q assault to commit mur- mur asian outgrowth of ot an attack his cousin who It appeared p paying unwarranted attention i een's s 's wife was given a parole a le account set forth before ord o of ot pardons it appeared Green Geen could have claimed the Itten Itte law aw and have escaped STORY TORY rough the appearance I o of ot his IDS who o with ith a babe tabe in arms told did struggle against poverty lid V Gasser casser who has served fl months and fifteen days on t tory charge will be given tei fer hearing in December committed the o orIf of- of If he went to the penitentiary Jg g his wife and three children n. n 4 years of age in desti- desti circumstances Because Mrs l 1 f 1 ow earns earns a pittance that her to support herself Gasser GaSSEl vv wIll in remain for at least two lis hs list st of ot prisoners whose hose cases considered m considered the tho crime for jitney they were convicted and the tion fon of their case at the meeting is as follows ER ENCASES CAS CASES ES fyne Ackman second degree ar ary RD denied Art Jones second e burglary burglary continued James tP tI s rape denied Patricia i fi fictitious ch checks ks I Il Me Mea Meda la Bader forgery con- con ranc rancis s Bernard auto theft plied J. J Borg attempt to comi com- com i Tape jape pe terminated Bill BUI Botonis law law violation terminated t Coleman second degree buri bur- bur denied i John Chastain third 6 0 burglary terminated James piston 4 grand larceny Furukawa assault with weapon to do bodily harm l Lester Gerber grand lar- lar Continued on page 2 PARDONS BOARD DENIES PAROLE i I i. i TO S. S L. L SLAYER i- i fi Continued from page 1 ceny denied Fred Hansen third degree burglary paroled Johr King robbery denied Isaac Langton Langton Lang- Lang ton indecent assault terminated George E. E Lamb assault with a deadly weapon terminated J. J L. L I McCarty second degree burglary denied E. E D. D Mitchell forgery tar tr Joseph E. E Marenger second second second sec sec sec- ond degree murder denied J. J r. r L. L Mitton second degree burglary de denied cie- cie e flied nied Frank Mastal grand larceny denied Richard grand larceny larceny lar lar- ceny parol paroled d J. J D. D Mills fictitious checks terminated Edward Moody first degree burglary denied J J. B B. B Newman assault to murder de denied denied tIe tIe- nied Gus Nelson second degree burglary terminated Tommy ODonnell O'Donnell third degree burglary burglar denied Asael Palmer grand larceny larceny larceny lar lar- lar- lar ceny paroled led Elmer Parnell grand arceny larceny denied C. C A. A carnal knowledge denied Antonio Rojas third degree burglary burglar denied James W. W Ryan third degree burglary burglary burglary bur bur- glary terminated M M. M Sanchez robbery robbery robbery rob rob- bery denied Jack Snyder r forgery denied M. M E. E Scott failure to provIde provide provide pro pro- vide continued Louis Sanchez crime against nature denied Tony third degree burglary de le denied nied Art Whitlock second degree burglary denied Frank Prank Williams assault with deadly weapon dented denied Pat rat Wilson third degree burglary denied Robert Ward second degree Je- Je gree burglary terminated J. J 1 F. F Workman 1 robbery denied George second degree burglary denied J. J T. T Chad Chadwick wick rape ter- ter minted Millard Andrews forgery continued Arvil Copfer Copter grand jar- jar d denied riled Clyde ClydeW W Gasser carnal carnal carnal car car- nal knowledge continued Roy Gay third degree burglary denied Bobert Robert Robert Rob Bob ert Giles GUes grand larceny paroled D D. D E. E Green assault with intent to commit murder paroled Arnold Graft Graff grand lar larceny ny paroled Wilham William Wil Wil- liam ham N N. Jolley forgery paroled Leland Moore foore assault with intent intentS S to commit rape paroled Lewis N Newbold ld fictitious checks deni denied d Tom Torn Robinson assault to commit rape p parole role Nels Worthen second degree bur burglary lary paroled Harry larry Fotopulos possession of or liquor denied de de- de- de nied Mack Lynch possession of liquor denied |