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Show NIGHT REPORT. Aoiadeua rropoxi lo Abdicate. Madrid, 10. Tho Correspond once, t.-day. announces the probability ibal the session of the cort will be suspt-n- 1 ded for a few dsy?. I" pi in reassembling reassembl-ing a pr-ipoii:i.'ii Vr-tm Kine Amadtus 1 Lo abdicate tne tlirne wi.l by r-ad, ! wh.-reupoa an i-i'..ri will pr-'i-ablj. te I made to di-u.'ide the kir.g from" hi; purple. Shoi.:d Li; p'-r,U;, a hpc-ai : law will b.1 pas-ed, e.-e!u 'a 'geni and j cabinet. U:her Madrid journals s;iv if i the ki..g rhuuM r..-.-:i::i liic crown "the i present authorities will remain in otiice ar.ii watch the course of events. The reason of thu kind's determination I to resign is owing to the disagreement 1 beiween himself und the ministry, which commenced last November, arising out of the appointment of Don Hidalgo, general cf the am llery, to the caplain-generalsiiip caplain-generalsiiip of the Basque provinces. Many of tlic artillery oicers resigned, and there has been much ill-ft-eling on tho subiect. Uhe Republican? will maintain & pacicc Dut energetic attitude, but will endeavor to secure a republican government in case the king's determination determi-nation is fixed. Zorilia informed tho cories to-day that on Saturday the king had informed him he was firmly resolved to resign. The ministers tried to dissuade him from it, and his majesty had asked twenty-four hours to consider. All that the prime minister could add was that he had not since then received his majesty maj-esty s otficial act of abdication and was unable, in the present state of suspense, to make any proposal or ask any vote from congress. Figaro?, leader of the Republicans , said he could not agree with the prime mini-ter that there was anything objectionable in th- sitting of congress, and movwd that the session be made permanent. The motion was carried. car-ried. At lO.oU to-night there had been no adjournment. The fcni-Hul. The snow interferes with operations against the CarlUis, General Moriores, commander-in-chief of the army of the north, is makicg a forced march in hopes of overtaking Gen. Olio, who, at the head of 2,W0 insurgents, has again entered en-tered the province of Navarre. The Carlist bauds, under tno command of the euro of Santa Cruz, Alacaxaga and Iturbide, have eii'ected a junction in the province of (iuipezcoa. Paris, 10. Advice, from tho Carlist forces represent that the insurrection in Spain is daily gaining strength and now exists in eight northern provinces, and is extending to tho central and southern I provinces. The government is acting on the defensive; towns are being forti- , tied, and volunteers armed to resist the advance of the insurgents. France, Paris, 10. The duko De Broglie will present the report of the committee of thirty in the assembly on Saturday. The trial of nine pursons charged with ravishing and subsequently murdering their victims, will begin ai Douai. The crimes were perpetratod within the neighboring forests at intervals from tho beginning of '7U to Sept- '72. L' Universe publishes a letter from one of .Napoleon's ministers, name not given, confirming tho revelations made y Urammont as to the promises of assistance as-sistance by Austria at the beginning of the war with Prussia- Tho correspondent correspond-ent adds to the Crrammont statement, that a treaty of a triple alliance was realty concluded betweeo. France. Italy and Austria, but whs not sinned because Napoleon rejected it as disrhon-orable. disrhon-orable. Ilrlllsll KewD. Dublin, 10. Tho trial of the Gal way priests, for illegal interference in "parliamentary "parlia-mentary elections, opened to-day in the court of queen's bench. Lrd chief justice Whiteside presides. Jllsccllnui-ond. I Rome, 10. L'Opinione says the emperor em-peror of Austria has consented to acL a- i arbitrator in the settlement of the Lau- : reum mine dispute. i City of Mexico, Feb. 1. The icsur-i rection in Tepee, under Luzada, is assuming as-suming formidable proportions. Laza-da, Laza-da, in his political manifesto, proposes a government similar to the l'nris Commune. Com-mune. His army has invaded several portions of Jalisco and Guadalujarn. I |