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Show Worse than Imprudent. Whilo holding tho opinion that an unwise dread of a contagious disease will often aid in increasing its ravages, wo believe be-lieve that all proper caro should be exercised to guard against it. Wo were informed jesterday that in the 1 1th ward the small-pox is alleged to be iu a houso where washing is taken in, and that pcoplo are continually going out and in tbu house, while clothes are cinied from it to different differ-ent par is of tho city. This is worse than imprudent, ii correct; it is re-, prehensiblo in tho extreme, nod pun- j ishable by law, as a reference (o the section of i ho ordinar.co relating to quarantine, which appeared in Sunday Sun-day morning's HkraiJJ, will show.. |