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Show RAILROADS. G. P H. R. AXU AKTKII Hfc ITKSf II Kit II Kith, 117'4, T K A 1 HIU I.KAVK lAU..lf A.t WI- lAt H I Ofarland V-m-innr Train f'ir Tmuki, CirllQ, V, lu'f.r.ll, V ...l.i.,rtil, k.ifi-., Jiar.A'. ilM, Rl lK-K I l-r I...ri,r.lP, .M-:i...i :.t Y j. ,, Tn n.i. 'I'.r l.-.t AtuvU.,, J.,4 ami Jj'r,!!..: - - - f .H- OfirUfni Kf-il.f. and Aefli.iiim'.Ja-tii. Aefli.iiim'.Ja-tii. a Tram I'.r .ijij t r iiiji,ui:', - - Vi'i P-a. A. N. TOWNK, T. H. OOMiMA V .tiouT oait li.-n. I'.i.n. Aj.ii Tickut AnL OEU. 11- IU' I.. Ai.iLjr, .-salt l.akn "iry. ., .tn M-irshall k Carter, 9ver W. Jf Jt LVs iu..k. ai UlllTll RAILKOAD. Trains run Ix't.veen IJriirJjam J unction I with C. P. U.K., LOGAN. On and mt.-r K-tni:.rv l.-l. 17.1, iJ.iilv Trains, L-,avo ilrihi-m .Int.. U-.n i.l ?:"" Arrive m M-n-l-rt ',: " Arm-it l.i..n 1 DHVO I oin M m,!,!.,,... - Arrivn in llnhiim 1-'J'l:nJ; In coiniuct K U trains fur UkiIuti anil Bull Lako. Trains Run onSalt Lake Time, Dr Slaum Honnoiit with Trnini to and from Ni,nlnrn ijoUlumunU in Uauliu CWnty Titl- Wltll-Y. FAHKSt Between Lukiiii nd -nit Lako ' ration .......... " Monj'm and .Salt Laku 4 l) tlKlLt'll -1 ,J Rcducoi Katcn to Excursion Parties, r Passenkorfl p'ciHc purchaflo their Tiokota at tho Offices. For all Information concerning I'roight or PlUdMU, to CUAS. IS'lULKY, Uoiiwal t'ruiifht and Tiukot Agent. 1 JSO. W. YOI'N dll tlun'l Sup't. UTAH CENTRAL EtAILiiOAl). PIONEER LIKE OF UTAH. 0 ki d after Ucaomticr '4 1 tl tf. jSh!Cj TfuSih L oa7o Bait Lake City at 5 a.m. and 2:45 p.m Arrive at Oudon 7 a. m, and 4:45 . m. Leave UirJon ut S n. m. and 5: JO p. m. Aim at tialt Lako City 10 a.ni. and 7:30 p.m Id addition to tho above Will ran DA.ILY, SUNDAYS EXOKITED Lcaviog Bait Jjako City at S a.m. and 6.30 p.m., and Ogden at 5 a.m. aud 5.50 p.m. Paaaaxra will p1m PnrcbiM tliclr Tlkts t th Ufllaaa. JHftj Oenta additional will b ohnrsod whD tho faro id ooUootJ on tio tra.'n. Tor ail InfomiRtton ooneemlng Trolxht ot pasvaso. applr to JAN. W1IAKI, 4onoral FrcUbt and liokot Ai't JOHN SHARP, iTTpmRm'JHNDHKT UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On nutt .Her Ufccmtfr :40,r.( 1874 DAILY TKAINS Lavo tho Utah Central 11. B. Depot. Salt Lako City, T a.m. and M p.m. Anivo at Lchi at 'J a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Leavo Lehi at 9.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lako City at 11. 30 a.m. and 7 p.m. In addition to tho abovo MIXED TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday excepted, Lcavins the Utah Central R.K. depot, Silt Lake City, at 1 p.m. and Lehi at 6 a.m. Passengers will please purchaso their Tickets at the Oflicos. hiflj cents ad-ditiooal ad-ditiooal will bo charged when the lare is collected on the train. For all information eoneerniog freight or passage, apply to J AS- SUA KF. Goo. Froicht and Tiaket Acent. JOI1X S HARP) 8 U P M02.-TMDJtNT. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Harness Saddlery, Leather. J. C. JOUXsb.VJr CO.. 101 .)" 106 Front Street, SAX FRASC1SCO. B?f-r ( pmi,t,i. fo Mr. II. B Clair-WM, Clair-WM, SutKri ntcHtUtU or ' U . C- Jf. I. olij Einstein Bro's & Co., MnurVturcrs and Imjurtors of BOOTS & SHOES, AbJ dealont ta LEATHER. FINDINGS. Ere, Sfl anU 31 BATTERY ST EFT. i. P. HOLDEN & CO., COMMISSION" .MEKCEAXTS, S3 SANSOME BTREET. 8AN FRANCISCO. JOB PRINTING, The varied wants !of the MKEit, ARTIZAN ami rKAVKI.CR ro JOB PRINTING O AN H K.I FILL K. I AT THE HERALD JOB OFFICE. The 'unanimous satisfaction given by tho work done at our office in 'the past baa justified us in continually importing im-porting all tho Newest Attractions with which to please our patroni in Elegance and Style, and perform Job Printing to oomparo favorably with any importation importa-tion in this lino from tho astor West. Anything in the nature or 1 PAMPHLETS, POSTERS,! SHOW CARDS, MINING BLANKS. BUSINESS BLANKS, CEKTIl'ICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, COUNTINGHOUSE WORK! RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., done to order in black, colon orjgold. We do not profess to work below cost, nor work for the sake of working, nor give baits of any nature, but by a system of calculating prices, make a rale to compete with outside Quality & rigures Salt Lake Iron Co. CHAS. ROOME, President. EM-N'KY J. DAVISON, Secretary. MA:.-vTAi.-iUai!t5 OF MINING A Ml E.I.I (i JIACIIINKKV. Engines and Boilers Made and Repaired to Order. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MODEL WORK. g iicilt Aira 1 Macliinory. Order IV,ini.dy Executed ic a waul ikp Mjr.rv-r. Old Ca.-t Iron Bought at tho Jh.jUal .Mrtt i'rke. L. V. SITIItRLWI), Maiuscr. j Wol'.Kri; Llock.Suutli ui bepvt, 1'. U, li'jx, 56.'. JxxliuLJS Bauer ri&? Oo., GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED KHABE PIA3STOS, THE. BEST for Touch, Tone and Durability now in use; ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAVORITE BAUER PIANOS. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE "ST TH J. JlH S . iLVNUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF BAND INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LIST SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. JULIUS BAUEE & CO., 650 Broadway, 390 , 392 394 & 396 Wabash Avenue . NEW YORK. CHICAGO. jyis Z. CM. I. Salt Xjx1so City, GENERAL MACHINERY WAGON DEPOT, COUNCIL HOUSE YARD, NEAR THE TEMPLE BLOCK. Pitt's and other Thrashing Machines, Wood's Mower and Combined Machin e, Excelsior Mower and lleapcr, World Mower and Eeaper, Champion Mower and lleapcr, Sulky Hakes, "Welcome" and "Superior." Turbine Wheels, "Eureka" Smutter. Cane Mills, Machine Extras ! I ! 2Hark the Hacc COUNCIL HOUSE YARDl SALT LAKE CITY. Wo arc expecting an ioiincdiato shipment pf tho well-known and justly-celebrated "SGHUTTLER WAGON," The factory having just got frirly running since tho CHICAGO FIR El H. B. CT " WSON, Superintendent. GROCERY DEP'l Z. O. ILvE. i. WHOLESALE AND KETA1L Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Moves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Lew Prices. ALL OUR GOODS ABE CHEAP' DEALERS LN THE SETTLEMENTS AND J.QNING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL iAND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. m3 H. B.CLAWSOI, lv,rll('d.R "stove sT Z. C. M. I. Grocery and Hardware Department 3I0MT0R. CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a great variety of o:her COOKING acd 1KA TIN G STOVES, com-prisine com-prisine the lareest aortmeot to be found in any stock in Uuli; price Try low, call and see. H. B, CLAWSON, Sept. Z. C. Bl. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SHIN OF THE - i a- - o o t GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For fino r oath or or stormy wonthor; for wnlk-iojr, wnlk-iojr, dancing, working, spakki.nu, climbing, riding, lishmg, mining, etc, otc. A largo mid choico assortment of tho above, our own maKo and imported, at Uio most roa-eonablo roa-eonablo pricoa- Wc muke to order Any style and quality desired aud Insure satisfaction. OLD BOOTS AND SHOES Made as good as now almost- j SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather! Upper Leather! Harness Leather! Imported Calf Skins, American Calfskins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, "KIT" OK ALL KINDSII HOUSE COLLAKS ! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Order, by Jlall receive .peel! nd prompt attention. HIDES AND "WOOL BOUGHT, a B. CLAWSON, Sap't. Sewing Machine. 'yy E respectfully invito tllu Public to call ;,cJ m our owiWi VMlotv Sewing IMachines, IN Plaiii.lieautiful and Elaborate St jlos of Workmanship AND GREATLY LMl'ROVED WITH TUB PANTON C-A-STOB.S. The Total Sulci of the UliVUHl! MACUJNK art now I'lIltEE QUARTEltS OF A MILLION. 'I l l V W A I tl? t 1 Si f V It An evidence thut it in fast winniUK ,.ru:,i. f.-,"r in tho tiuu.,ohoil. The t'l.voEK Cuui'iauy sold over tlio otln.r t,'uUlllUlItJ, it2t'JM. ItaT Tito CliiuafO Relief Comiuitlco luruialied aullcroi'S by tho Eire to Mareb IS, 1872, 8,94-1; 3.151 .-iiisir tlafllillfS, all otLer makoa, 7a:i. Applicants made their selection, with same di.-e mnt on all. OUR SALES IN UTAH EXCEED AN V OTHER HOUSE IN TUi. SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE 01? CHICAGO. We co art eo only invito tho Ladios to duo our J3ixx broidery i?Lttaciimoiit, It attracta general attention and admiration. Wo also dcBiro you to bco our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLER3, BINDERS QU1LTERS HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BA3TE R3. SEAM-RIPPER3. NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOll ALL KINDS OF SllUTILJi HKWIRQ MACJilMEy. WE GUAKANTKB EVERY MAC1IIN15 WE SELL TO GIVE ENTTKE SAT.ISlfA0 tion, aa oach ono is thoroughly adjusted, triod uml tostod by oxiioriuacod MoohanioB and all aro warrantod lu sow with oatso all kin da of goodu, from tho ooaraoat to tho Qnoat, Lute, Bliisliii, Caiisbiic Domestic, Deniiiia, Tickiugs-Diicking, Tickiugs-Diicking, Beaver, BucUskiu ami Leather. JiInslruclion piven free of charge by competent atlondants, and terms of sale to Buit all circumstances. OTHER SEWING MACHBNE3 REPAIRED ON REASONABLE REA-SONABLE TERMS. Wc extend a cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE UK MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not. IT THE SINGER SEWING MICIMB DEPARTMENT Two doors south of Eagle Emporium. Sai1 Lake Oinr. MEDICAL. NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," For the Debilitated Nervous Syiteui. DR. JORDAN, of tho Anatomlcnl Museum, 818 Montgomery atroe., (uoar California.) SAN FBAN0IS00, Coliforuia, hni publialiad four of his moat important and iustruclivo Lectures, in a neat to I amis, Tar those who cannot attend tho Lectures at tha Muaeuar, Brory unmarried and married man should read aud tuily those imjwrtaut Loc-turoa Loc-turoa tor tho good of himself aud offspring. By addies si tho aecrotary of tho Anatomical Museum, Ban Francisco, and enclosing Tu-onty-Flo Conta In posUpo stamps to pay postago, the Book will be for warded to any port o( tho tit q Lob or Trritoriott. Dr. Jordan can bo consulted !-(' ' d7 UWIOM 1JACJF1C RAILROAD ME TAELE, DNTIL further notice, Truing will leave and arrive at Ogdon Daily, as folio W6: leavb. i AnRrvR. Daily Eproee,6 a.m. 1 Daily Esp'a, 5-10 p.m. Mixed, - (r-SO p.m. j Mizod. - 2 36 p.m. Freight, 10-33 a.m. I Freight, - 6-10 a.m Dailv connections made at Ogdon with Utah Central Pacific lload from fcialt Lake city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah. At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At nhnvonnn with T)nnvm 'Parifir Railroad for Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado and Mew Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North1 "Western, Chicago, Kock Island aod Pacific, Burlington and Missouri Jiivor, KansaBcity. St. Joe and Council Bluffs Railroads and Missouri Kiver Lino of Stoamors for all points Eaet and South Tickets for ealo to all points East at office of Wells, Eargo Jc Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at tho office of Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Salt Lake city;, also at Union racilic Railroad ticket office in Ogdon, at which office berths on Bleeping Bleep-ing cars can be secured. Arrangements hayebeenmade where- i by passengers desiring to visit Denvor on their way Eaet can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cho3-eniie to Denver, and return at greatly reduced ratci. Jf'or particulars and ail information in regard lo passage, apply at Tiuiiel Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should bo careful to secure their passage tickets to all Eastern and Southern poinu via OMAHA, and tiius avail themselves of tha advantnge uf a through sleeping car, coaifortabie accommodations ac-commodations arid quick time. THOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket AgunU T. E. Sick els, Chf. Engineer and superintendent. i8 Herald Bindery OCR BINDERY IS PfeEPAF ED 10 Repair, in & workmanlike manner, AJbam i. Old Books, tr,, etr., An! Ilia 4 M A O A 7.TN FJL PERIODICALS MINES FOR SALE. DR. PAUL OE.EGOHY owns four oxcollont silvor niLnoa within ono mile of each other. Wood and and water plentiful on all of them. Tho tninos aro rich. Oroa running from SliiO up to 7U0 por ton, can bo ohtuinud from oach of thoia, in paying cjuantity. Tho crorico of the Urogory lodo la tiTOntyaovon foci wido;a Btroakof four foot will run ioOO par ton. Being dosiroua of Bonding homo a nice present From Utah, I will sell an inturest in ono or all, orsollallat lair figuroa. Each lodo containB 1,500 foot, and tho Urogory lodo ia down 1U0 feet and looks fino. Thia lodo is diroctly ui tho guloh from tho Ontario ono-half railo, and tho Bauio distance bolow tho Rowland lodo, in BIuo Lodgo Mining district, Wasatch County. I havojust moved my oainp to tho Wild Bill cabin, whore I shall bo pluaaud to show my in in oa, They aro eaoh now claims and but Uttlo Rnuwu, nuJ lUo joaluuny, I rDBrnl Lo Bay, OX- lstlng amongst those owning claims horo, to ft groat ostont, havo kept thoBO seeking euch property from calling on mo. 1 ask capitalists to como and seo. I will uhr you all I prouiiso to do. PAUL GREGORY, M.'D.o Four miles from Bnydorivill IEONSTEEK SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO,, ' - DEAJ.EKS m ; WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AJJD ALL IUNDS OF Fsraic TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers,- PIPE A ALL KI.VUS OF FITTIXUS FOIt FUKNACKS & OJILLH. HABDWAEE, BURDEN'S HORSE k MULE SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS POll Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder, ALL LOW FOR CASH. A G EX TR FOR Ammonical Preparation. For lha PrsronWjn ar.U Removal of IJoilor dc Eca:o- FAR WEST FREIGHT CO. II Ad (Quarters, St. Louli, Ho. D L It AXT &.C UTTI.NG, FOKVAV.DlG AID COMMISSION Muium AGENTS SALT LAKE CITY, VTATl'. 4E aro pr-pared to ca'.raci foT ehjn-r ehjn-r icectj f.-.a all paru of toe Es.u. our L;re tii ;!.i -pc-ia, irraLk'ta. en-.f fa; - v':?;''' -V L''au i3'J Euitrn CiiiM tc Sjt Lake '.ity. Orr:c. Wt,TOr,Krir.c block .oalli of Depot, S< Lk. city. DUE.1U ClTTIilO- J SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, VOll WHOLICSALfc. TUAUK, Weaver i Taylor, '.'M MjrV.H tftroot, Saa Franoio. Ul-Vi Ul-Vi E. A. FARCO & CO., luip'Ttors and Jobbfrc of Brakes. Wines aud Liporr, 310 Frowt St., er. I omuiei rl nl, D. B. NTi T SAN FKAN01SCX) J. B1UM. I K.nncUro. """'"y k. H. HK1B1. J .!- i J. BAUM & CO., uipurtfia in.il Mnuulin liiit-ri il MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. IS i A Saiiiouie St., tn Kruu liro. No IK Warren t.. New York. Pj HKCHP, HUO'S .V Co. 1UOTS,SMOKS Al I KATllF.lt J G-i W6 HansomeSt. Sun KrtincUco, And (1 A 12 I'oarl St., ltjslon. Buckingham iirciir, Mrinulmli;ri-rr) of tho "ITU A QUALITY" CAUfORfllA $001 S A NO IHOtS. A. J. tJIilVFlTIS, Dwvlor la Jfca5 H 1"d,of SALMON fiPiD KERRJiS, All kind ol t'riB.l. ri-u-.k-i I' l' )!. Ulr OOQUntly (-D band. j J PARKER, WATTSOK & CO. (Suooassors to Wei' A Co.,) lniportcri mid fM mm fuel u rr i' tf TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 226 Front stoor. Saoramonto, grj HAN FKAKCIHCO, ('AL. . OIlULOVirjII. W1LTIR D00, B. B. HOST. Ik). CHIULOVIOH (, CO., Importara and who lean c Uiutlxrii in PJBJJC WINKS A. LII4t'ORS, tiOLi Adinrs roa JESSE, MQORfc Sl CD'S FINt 01 0 BOURBON AND HYF WHISKIES. DIKIOT rfiOH LOOIBVILLl, IT. 601 Front St.. HAN FRANCISCO ap4 Established in 1861. C. VENARD, Manufacturer of tho Original Chartrcs Coll'cc, Arid all kinds of Spices and California Muslard, 625 and fi27 Front Stroot. botwoon Jackson and Paoillo. SAN FBANClbCO. aS BSTAWL1SHED 1M0. Importers of Teas, Mast India goods and general groceries, 213 and illo" Front Sired, San Francisco. o2G GUANO IIOTJEL, On Market, No? Montitomory and Bcoojid Btrosta, fJAIV ITItAWOIBlOO, Cii.I JOHNSON & Co., PaopancTOas. a E. MARTIN &CO. WlolesalB Lipor Dealers, 08 ITront Btraat.' Bmm ralio. Proprietors of IllILLKU'l, UITRA OLDDOUIIDOR And sole agents for r, CUTTER'S EXI1A OLP BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full assortment of all the Stgu.'lard Bmndi of WhlikUi, ( UrndlM, Vorslga slbiI DomasLlo Wluti, m5 Ulttarm, OorUla.li, L. A. Sanderson, I. L. Uoro. SANDERSON HORN Importers and Jobbora of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (Proprietors of LaEnnanolnOfjcar Factory,) Sole manufacturers of the ctlcbrc.lt d 'QMAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 front fcstl-ecf, Bslwuu Waaliljgton aud Clay, SAN FRANCISCO. Bp4 MURPHY.GRANT&CO. ImportorB of American and European Staple and Fancy DRY &00BS, FUACISCO, CALIFORNIA, Gall the attention of iheTra-lo to theh larce and oompleieit9olL of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS: Which thoy aro now receiving direct from European Manufacturers, oompriainc in part Vranch Alarlaioa, Wool Salinas, Wool Plaids, fronch and Qermau, Irish ad French Fojiltns, Kmprm Clothg, Tamlia, Utoji ud colcred, Valrataans, Alpacas, black and colored, XILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. i.LBO GLOVE S, Kld.Bnck, Berlin (LadiM. Miriee'.Scnts') Gents' Underwear And all klndjj of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Boalcr, complete la all lu brsnebea Whltt Ooods. UndktrchUri, Shirting Llntm, Q,ullts, white and cotorrd, Damaska, Lruwri l-ni 'rjrl IWr-btd Towala, UarX, D.i-r. Tnrki-b. Ripklai and Ooyllas, ivta., Kit., k:t. SPRUANCE, STANLEY & Co- Importers and Iiealen in Fine Old Bourbon RYE WHISKIES, Brandies, Gins, Wines, etc., 410 FRONT STREET, BAN IRA.NC15C0. MACONDRAY 4 CO., I ci j ortcn of tni.A & J.1R TEAS, SHIPPING "' COMMISSION MERCHANTS 31 and l1"-: SA.V.S'iMK STUKKT hAN HiANCI-CO. T.,".r?-iMvint,T j 'I'l of froh in Y'f-:- o! U!l. A and JAPAN IE S, an! all Bcct"U"M f wdbriujifll'so-de sssssaaaaasssssMMsssisssaMsan i n 1 TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. (iUON LlSt: BETWEF.S New York, Quecnstuwn, and llvcrpool. Carrj inn Io I'nitod Stntos Moil 111 Hn, - r N 1"V ADA. M ANH.VTTVXSJL. JT iTWVOiMlNU. wisco.Nsix, usrzzAt SAlLlXtl Flti'M NKW YORK KV Y.l w i;ini:hav. 0AU1N Vant'o from Now York Jsi) an. ) itold. biaturoinus on tho same deck at .iloon. Sl'KKHAlilC: f:l frem Now York; tattoo. l,i crpool or ni'iiitoTi, imynble in curronrj l'a.-..K0 ironi urlu llorniaiiv, Franco, W,lt way, S id I'll, eti'., nl l.ui"t liativs. lli'mitiaiu'oa to Ureal ltntain, ltelandand thi t'outinunt. .Vpilylo WILLIAMS niUON,") Uroad-wiiv; Uroad-wiiv; .r 11 S. JiLUKKlKU-:, ,1'Jl Salt LukoCllr, THE CHICAGO & NORTT-WESTERN NORTT-WESTERN RAILWAY In Iho rlONKKIt KOUTK betwoon OMAHA and CK1UAUU, coni)lotod four years hro, sint'O wliich timo Ilia Ooniptiny liavu sparotl noithur palna nor oxptniiio in porftK-tinjr ilt rad bud and irntk, and oipiippintr it with rolling I 3totil(,of llioimist nunlurn imirovniontn; l.biA. tutrnthnr witli tho fact of La tuiinrr tlio Shortest Line-, ollcra to tlio Travol-inK Travol-inK lu bl ic a ruuli) iiururpasaud In thia country for d, couil'orU eafoty and suro con nodi i n 8. PAKTIOULAK CAUTION should bo Ink on hy '!ismnf;or in nolii:ting thoir route, and not lio iloi-oivod by fulso iidvortifoincnts and n-iiri'Miiitiiiinns liy ijiliHT-ti'd imrticih of c.niinaii linos in n-ictird 1. 1 tn iif, diMiuu-os, ratim, Pic. Tins jiopuhir rou to ri'tiiirus no fulso itiiltniicnts, ridyiiijr on iu- trno morlla, it nocdri only to bu known by tho trnvol-ing trnvol-ing jiublio to bo apiirociatad. TIMK: San Fruncisoo to Omaha, four dayi and seven bourn. V't'fi (Jbioiiffo and North Woslci Kailwny, Oinulia to (Jhicafro, twonty. llirco hours. Onmliatc Now York, sixty hours. Onmha to llootoii, sixty-four hours. Pullman'" ".luce, Hotel, and bleep. l)tf Cars Aro run on all throtirrb trulni from Onialia Lo OhiuHgo. How to Sot-uro Sloopinjr Uorlhi IV foru l.iichiiig Omaha: l'liBHunKorfi dusi rous of securing Sleeping Sleep-ing llorlf'S, iSiuitions or Stato Huonn in tlio Sluoping Our from Omiiha Kiint, ean lo mi liv LoloiminhinLr from anv of thn stiilions on tho Union l'acilio Hailmud, to W. A. Oarpoiitnr, Uonoml Agunl, (J & N. W. ltailway, Oniftha, slating wlisl they wiint. This is all thoy noud lo do until thoy roach tho 0. & N. W. linil-way linil-way IJojiut on tho oast sido of Lho Mi-souri Mi-souri ltivor, tbon go to tho Slooping (Jar (JondncLor, givo liim thoir naiiius, aa por tologram, und tlioy will find thai ho has Ihoir borths iceorvod for tliom. rassongors going Kant will consult thoir own intorost by securing Through Tickets vin UIllAtiO & NOKTU WJtSTKHN KAILWAY, which cun bo procured at all principal tiokot oIUcoh in California and tho Wost, and at railroad otllcos to Sau Francisco, Halt Lako City, Oduu, Umaha and Counci' 111 u Us, JNp. C. (IAIJLT, Oonural rjup't Cliiuugo. 11. P. 9TAN WOOD, 0 on oral Ticket Agon I, Chicage. 8 GILMER 8 SALISBURY'S STAGE LINES THROUGH ajtah, $ou(h - cast Nevsida JIon tan sit Laaviwg Suit aU? Ctly Pally. rsj-nlK rsj-nlK Bouth to Tintio, Amcnoan Fork, Mount Ncbo, Sevier. St. GcorKO, Utah ; and Piocho, Nevada ; Paeilaf; through Provo, Springyille, Spanish Fork,Fiy-eon, Fork,Fiy-eon, Salt Cecit, Chicken Creek, llounrj Valley, KiUmoro.OoU Crook, Beaver, Miner-viile, Miner-viile, and AU the principal towns and mining camps in southern Utah and iouOi-tMt Nevada. Alio ltavs Corlnne, Utah, dally, ruaalng north to Virginia City, Hole pa. Fort BcnWo. JJoer Lodgo, Codar Creek wan, and passing through all tho principal towns and mio ing camps in Montana, Mon-tana, PRINCIPAL OFFfCK, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building jucl Salt Lake City Len Winra, B. P. Kimbtilj SAl-T lake, mmn Jintic Stage and Express runkiko dai '' v fkom Lake citv, vu lakb toW, tooele city, stockio AMD opmn to nn" Th. root, bu bm rnlJ did Concord Coacbefl. fin o Stcr K . J .ucntiv. Driven. r.d i, the ooiflfcr! i ccneninoe 01 Good aKommmiaticmi m Ox THHOLGH BY DA1'UGHT' Cheap Fare and Quick Time. o-....w..,.,r.r.eli WINKS k KIMBAIio 11 rr..rl.n. |