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Show tliy W. U. ToIoL'rni.hJ j 1UOVKMEXTS OF TltOOI'5. I Washington, 9. Somo important movement of troops will soon be ordered or-dered by the war department, tho el-I'cet el-I'cet of which will be to take from the States of Kentucky, North ard South Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee, the greater portion of tho Umted States military forces stationed there, and locate tbem at points where the intcrestsof the government may require. No troaps are now under orders for service in Utah. It does not appear that the department immediately contemplates con-templates sending any in addition to the forces already serving in proximity proxim-ity to tho Mormon country. A regiment regi-ment will soon be stationed along the Rio (.Jrando on account of troubles in that Erctioo. In other parts of the South they will be gradually withdrawn. |