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Show CLAUL I T. j This individual has made himself conspicuous of late, and his position in regard to Utah matters of itself will givo a certain interest hero to the following strictures on him, by the Helena Herald, the paper which, of all others in Montana, did most to havo him elected delegate to Congress. No further comments by u.t arc needed at present: No such commotion as that caused by the receipt of Mr. Clagett's railroad bill has occurred in this city lor many a day. Copies of tho bill, sent by j friends in YV ashing op, wto received by several of our uiuzen.s 011 YVedncs-day YVedncs-day evening, and its odious provisions were known to hundreds of people hours before the Herald containing the document waa distributed to the general gen-eral public. It but feebly expresses tho sentiment of this locality to say, that no auch spontaneous indignation over vented itself in Montana against a public Fervant or public meat-uro, as that to which this community was provoked pro-voked by a knowledge of tho contents of ibis bill, communicated to them 011 Thursday. Tho denunciations poured upon Mr. Clagott'u head by tho peoplo peo-plo of Helena wore manifold and bitter. Wo do not chooso here to rcnoat them. Tho fooling was univor-aal univor-aal that Mr. Clagett had made a great mistake, the gravity of which his political friends insisted ho did not comprehend, and which griovous error, they asserted, he would, upon proper representation, hasten to correct. With Uis thought, prominent Ito-publicans, Ito-publicans, who had contributed most to his olcctioo, promptly telegraphed Mr. Clagett to the effect that his railroad rail-road bill was universally condemned hero; that tho peoplo of tho East Side preferred, rather than this measure, no legislation at all, etc. In reply Mr. Clagett telegraphs back to-day : "I havo no object to delcat East Side. It is this bill, or total prohibition prohibi-tion to subsidies in this congress, I believe in the bill, and must and will try to pass it. (Signed,) V. II. Claueit." Now wo say to Mr, Clagett, as one who assisted to place him in oongress, that his bill is a terrible blow to Montana Mon-tana and a disaster to his constituents snch as they have, never had visited upon them before. Wo disown it as a measure for which tho Republican party 01 Montana can be held accountable. account-able. We say 10 our delegate: Lot congress, if it so elects, give us "total .prohibition to eubsidics" in preference to this prescriptive, anti-railroad measure of yours entitled "A bill granting tho right of way to railroad oompanies in the several Territories." |