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Show OFFICIAL, D1KKCTOKY. csitkd sTATtft urricErjt TOK UTAH: .t-Ttraor-Gcii.t L. Wutlt, Oregon. J. r. iit) it-.t, A. black, L uUi. Clu-r Ju.i'c J. B McKmo. Srw Tort. A'x-Uto JuTILa 0. P. SlrKLlAnd, Mien., and r . Ha)-r. til. Mu-Ul -M.T. Pmnrk. N.-l.rV.a, I'.rV AH r.,rJ Willi, r-i Cii'J. i:,,.. v'f ral C- C. Clemeuta. IM. K!iiT i.l Pnl lic M-urji J. B. Orsrton, Pa. r,i.t o! OBVo 0-.,r- R. MaeU dim. I l. . r-i-J. P. Tworl, of in. . - r..,u.r 0. J. Holh.HT. Cml. TKRKITORIAL OF7ICIEB : rtloK- to Cotii;re m. U. llooprr 'Ir-l J J. D. T. UAIHiWr. T.Mr.T-Jun"- Jk. 1'i.I-niitf u-Wnt of Common Pchoola Robert L, Cu,iiWI, PA LT LAKE COUUTT Of : P:o ito JUt", Smilfc. tra :i, R-ut-in Millor, Uuc M. ftiwri, ' C KeJ. Cor..ur.io. 11. T.Wor. (l-r:ri. K. T. iJtirt.-o. t-r- -.wil. i:ir A I torn-j, Z. 8n-". a. -r nr -! CV.l l-ct. r. B. J. aoMlna Tfrnrtr, Tt.ro.ir-w MeKrn. Otm.j Cl-rfc, D. Bockliolilt. ConDty Recorder, Kdwiti D. Wool I j. U -ol Huvr'.ctemdcQI, RoUrt L. Caa.pt 11. citt oryicsaa : Jfll Q. Wclh. Aldikm-1. tat Mnaicl-J Ward, Ic Oroo. tad "A. Miner. rd " " S. a. FelL lui " Jour Clinton, lib " " John Van ColL COITHCILOIA. R. T. Burton, Theodora McKean, JoMph T Smith, HnUaui Young, Ilenry Grow, John Clark, A. 0. Pjr, Jolin H. Winder, Lewla i. B11U Rocordor Robert Camplwil. Trxaanrer Paul A. Schettler. MuTliaJ John D. T. McAllister. Auditor of Public Account Robert OampbetU Aovor and Collator John R. Winder. c-nior of Str-ew laaac Oroo. Puncjor Jwe W. Fox. Rv.ird of School Icspctori Profoaaor J. R Pari, RoL-rt L. CauJl'l-eil, Ilonrj I. Do renin. Sralcr of Wib-hb and Moaauri Nathan Davla Captain of Pobco Aiidraw Bart. Watr Master luac Oroo. InapcUr of Bailillaga A. H. RAldgb, " Wood and Lumber II. Dlowoodj " " U inora Robert Campbell. " " pTOTisioua Jew 0. Llttl-w QnaraDtlDC Physician Jeter Clint Dn. Otilef Knglneer Fire D part men t John D. T kfcAl liter. IJoord of Kiaiclnlug Phyiiclam loctor W.I indenon, J. 8. Ormaby, Jotar Clip ton. Oity Market Man tor Albert Dewey. " fteiton Jofrt-rh B. Taylor. " Stock Imppctor U. J. Faaat. Superintendeat Iaano Atjlnm and UoepltaJ Ibudor McSeAD. Vhyddan Inaaua Aaylma and IJuaplul Jeter OlIntopL. 1."C1 711 W 13. 11 Municipal Ward Lot! Rlter. tt' " ' Pamnel Tnrnbow. .1 " " Gideon U. 0. Glbba. i;b u " Millen At wood, bib " ' W. 0. A. 8 moot. |