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Show UCilTNIMG FLASHES. lb;jvy tall 'jf rjow at Madrid. (.':iiu:r(iii ij still con lined to his hoiel. W-;ith r '-It-ar and pl;inant at San Frai..:, S;in l''rafi:i-r.) plieo n-purt buiinesi lin l. I '.'w anu-H. HlJJuni'r'n hi-:ilih in im iiruviii.ir. He rie i. ut on Saturday. Kx-uny.ir K ilh!l-ri-eh, of IIrookl;n, is :17:1m ivpnfted iljiri', Thu .So ud-ih j')vi:nnueut ha-i created crea-ted an oi'iifiauijo department. l!-inds of (,'arli'rt have appeared in the Spani.ih pruvince nf Iv;do. 1 )t;troit car wheel foundry burned. Lohs, ilU.OM); insurance, tO.CKjU. A hy-tem of robbery of New York direct letter lyjxew has been dicovcrf d. J'hiladelphia T:rra Uotta works burned. L s- JiJt.U'Jt); fully insured. Tho trial of Seunnel for the murder of Donahue wa-j b:guu in New York ychterday. Oakes Ames paused through New York on Sunday night on hid wuy to Waahiuglon. A Snow storm Sunday extended generally throughout the north provinces prov-inces of Spain. Station due at Kcdding, Cab, are much d -layed by washing away of portions por-tions of the roads. Tho Nevada, from AuHlraha, ib now thine m dnj'M overdue at Sau Francisco, and no tidingn of her yet. The bill for the abolition of slavery in l'orto liico wan io ho discussed yos-lerday yos-lerday by tho Spanish conrca. Water in the San Joaquin river is still rising 'I'ho full of snow in tho mountains i.i uaid lo be very hcavj . A heavy Hnowstorm raged at Klko, Nevmla, ull day Sunday; about seven inches has fallen. Weather intensely cold. The grand council of tho canton of (ieneva, Switzerland, has deoided ni:ain't thn complete ECparation of church and slate. The funeral of governor Geary, of Penna., is announced for Thursday , morning from tho First Presbyterian , church of Uarrisburg. I It is behoved nearly all tho Ku Ivlui ' pii.-oners will be pardoned within a l very short time, particularly those of I iho more ignorant class. Three days mails aro due at Paris, I from Mnirlaud, and tho Northern 1 railway is still blookcd by Fnow. No : trains through ainco storm bogan. It. is thought tho Peruvian minister will protest against tho Chickauiauua leaving New York as au armed Spanish 1 war vet-sel, for which who is being fitted I out. Kui press (Urolino Augusta, widow of emperor Kraneis, and lirst grandmother grand-mother of the reiiiuiug emperor of Austria, died ou Saturday, aged SI years 4'hos Crer, formerly postmaster at North (jrauvillo, Washington county, New York, has defrauded his neighbors neigh-bors of snniu ? IU0,UU0 and ";one we t. " The Spanish naval officer of New York has caused a aurvoy to bo made of two English atcel atcamcra, the Northern and Southern," lying in tho Krio basin. Mori, tho Japanese minister, will in a lew weeks return homo 00 leave of absence. He 0 tiered his resignation, but his government declined to appoint ap-point a successor. A resolution has passed tho U. S, senate appointing a committee to consider con-sider the testimony transmitted by tho house affecting certain senator?, with leave to sit during 'ho ucoion. - The tow-boat Petrel was sunk in tho Ohio liver on Saturday night. The captain .swam ashore, but ho was ao chilled that he died in a few hours. Seven of the eiew were drowned. The Sp:nii.h senate, by a vote of 5'.i ; to 6 has pas;td a resolution of confidence confi-dence in tho ministry on tho - question of its course towards tho artillery in reward to tho recent demonstration of iusuboidination. Mrs. Ah Fook, a white woman of San f 1 atieisoo, married to a ( 'hina-man, 'hina-man, tried to commit suicide Sunday evening by swallowing opium io larce do.-es. Desertion by her lord is the eau.-e aligned. ! Burns, the Yates county, N. Y., de- faultini; treasurer, is still in the San Francisco city prison awaiting a requisition requi-sition and trausporlation to the east. Chief Orowlcy declines to sond him at his own expense. A Paris letter says the truth about the objectionable play of Sardou, is that it; .-oucht to attack tho republic of France by undertaking to show tho odius morals of the peoplo of this 1 model Amperican republic, j 1.5 Fovro DuruHe, of Paris, senator I under the empire, now one of tho 1 direetors of the Socicl Industrielle, has i been arrested for connection with an alleged fraud in financial transactions. Another of the directors has lied. The reported shootiog in San Francisco, Fran-cisco, between Coghlan and the car-conductor car-conductor Powers, is said to have been a hoax. Hundreds of people visited the coroner's offices on Sunday night to learn the truth of tho several stories. la New Jersey courts-, 00 Monday, tho trials of three murder cases wero begun Louis Lugi, for tho murder of Johauna Moosi, his reputed; David Morbes.also charged with wife murder; and John Dorr, for the murder of one Donuelan. Dr. Hugh Williamson of New York, was dangerously shot yesterday by a man named tjuist, durisg a pcutile growing out ot the attempt of Williamson William-son to uiolify Quist, who was angry with his wife on her returning from a party with Williamson. Now York officers of the Pacific Mail company say the delay in tbo arrival ar-rival of the Henry Chauccey, is probably owing to tne destruction of the company's wh.irf at Apinwa'l, by tho g.iie ot January ISrh, which prevented pre-vented her unloading aud taking a uew earo. Tho fcra-e committee on election has subin: t.d .1 preliminary report en Louisiana mattcis. The report is that neither the liredey nor Grant electors were legally elected, but that the committee com-mittee is nut prepared to report whether or not Louisiana has a legal St UC gi-ViflllUtlll. hurop.-jri in nil advices S3y the law regardifg r.hgious corporation will seareely cutie before- the Italian parliament. parlia-ment. There 1 but little doubt that t!;,- result of !l.e debates will be to pVv 1 c on a precisely similar i'lotii-g, in uspeot to religious institution.-, : i'io rest of Italy. Uc.vrts furnished by a former pr.yviccu: Oa'gonian credit the Modoc L mil. 1:1s with loo masaeres of white reo;' "- from 1Id to In sonic rrrees tiiey were aided with the Pi: river ludiaos aud son:j cf their dprcd.-.tieris cxtcn ied to the mountain moun-tain paics scuta ot Yreka. Cc;;n: Acdrasy has informed n;n-ister n;n-ister Jay hat tneAutriu government cou-enrs to ".n int'.'riiaiina congress, to sit at ;enn pending the expedition, to cOD::ler the bc-t means of encourag ic u-clui invention and macu'actures. Alter tiie cio.-e of the exhibition. eoDcresw will, m accordance with the desire of the President, negotiate on the subject. 1 |