OCR Text |
Show DEERE & Co.,t "'.V' M O oINK.Il.L." Manufacturers of iho soouino mox.hstp: plow. VI-.c.o n.'-j liavo f.-r Iho rit't imrtrof a oiitu,'v niiiiin.iuT'.l tlio refutation ot" iho hot IMnw l uc. All B'-nnin-i Mi-lina Vlowt boaj tho brand a? e-tiowti in tho nbovo cut. dlS WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON, pl'tJS to inlonn tho resMnii of Srvlt l.aVo 1 Otv and vii'iivty, tlint bo ii"t only Kiiamni-'o in proi'.'rlv K.-riiir, t'lo.in cd A.ij.i.t U aioliM ,in,l Chronomolor.b!tt ho wi I n4kol!ini or uny iiart of ihoiu, to ordor, and .lii-t r.x-o M lirifw juri'H- of Klein. Swiw Wnt.-h,-', nnd a lino &t ok of iirst-ola-'i 'wlrv. I'ricn - lu" ma nv in town. Two Dwh Kaj; oi ilio Dc;oxct liouk. dl BANKERS, A. W. WHITE & CO IB -A. 1ST K: IE R S KAhl TEJIl'LE STKKT, 8.11 L.k. Cltr. Defers in GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION. Exchange on all tfie Principal Ctu.t of thi United State and ilurope. Particular attention riven to Collection! and procecda remitted at Currant ra;o .of ilxc hinge 'jd day of paymanu GEO. E. WHITNEY, Atlorney; COItRKSPONDKHTStfl Bank of Clifoniia ... San rnoc:iCJ Le- A Waller - - Kw Yuri Couk C-uuty National Bank - Cuicapc liukel Bank SL Lonii Stole Rank of Scbrak - Omaha ayU.. VELLS, FARGO & CO.. EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers and Dealers Id Exchange UralUon Europe. Kuropoan Colloctionj promi'Jy attended :o. It .at Tml S tract, Salt Laki City , ml2 Tamo. F. Taior. AitQt. First National Bank of Utah "SALT LAKE CITY. tea Special Advertisement on Tlrtrd i'auo. tnS SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Salt Lake City, Utah Ter.; Authorized Capital - $500,000 Benj. M. DnHU, Pruident. Uugli White, Ca.ahlr. HmrtTiiD A Kikkfatrick, AUornoya. ;CORRESPON DENTS I TJKW vnwir J National Park Bank. Y0RF 1 DobdI. Lawaon Co. BAN PAANCISCO-Ca.ifornia Trast Co, LONDON Jay Cooko. McCullooh i Co. Iel8 DESERET National Bank or SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Paid up Capital, - S'200,000. Authorized Capital, $1,000,000. DRUillAM Ynr.X.j. resident, 1 11. ELUKKLKit:, Vicel'ros't, I V. 11- HUUl'KK, I Wji. JENNINGS, 1-Diroctort. J011N tillAKP. J. f. Li rn.E. i L. S. HILLS, Cashier, J DEAL ix QOLD ni'ST, (OIX, KX( lIAJIGb, LAM 'AKKA3iTS, tCi-LKUL tCi-LKUL alRU', etc Oollootions mado and promptly remitted. rUMLlUN LAUnAriut TUK 5 ALL INTEREST PAID ON t& ex viu s s Doposita. LEGAL O. 8, DANA, ATT O UN E Y-A T-L. A W, PrDiD, rtnli. JAMES Al. CARTER, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, Office over 1st Nat. Bank, octS EAST TEMl'LE STREET. C. E. WHITNEY, 4T T URN E Y AT - LAW, Office over Dunford A Sons' Sloro, .MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. THOMAS FITCH, ATTQllEV-AT-L,AV, U10U Street, WaaUlugtou, D. C. Especial attoolion pi von to obtaining 1'otonts lo Minos. noy 15 BATES & ORMSBEE, ATTORNLYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, A genu for Purclinse nutl Sulc of Mliieadt Lnnils, Q so. C. Batkb, i J Salt Lake City, CuAKLKS W. OSUSDKK. J I" tall. Warner Jfull. P. M. timttb. EAKLL SMITH, ATT0KNEY8 AT LAW, ALT LAK1 01TT, First South Street. Rooms II ud 12, No Ild. Kimball Block. TiLroBD, 8- a. yjLi.it. TILFORD & MANN. ATTOUSEI8 -AT-LA W No. 30 First South Street. 06 J. I). Kosboruugh, S. A. Morrill Rosborouyh & Morritt, ATTOliiNKYB-AT L A W , Salt Lake City, I'tali. Office. l?t South Street, first building oast Desoret Bank corner. Oct Wll. UATDOS. C. C. OILCURIHT UAVD0N & GILCHRIST, ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW SALT LAKE CITY. Office orcr lit National Bank of Utah. all? C. H. Hompetead. M.Klrkpatrick. HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATR1CK, Atierucyi-at-Law, Main Street, orposite ft ell 1, Fatjio A Co. Ct 1,T H V K CTT7. 3: TRIUNE BAKERY Cracier Maattry, Door holow .Walker Iloitae, Main Street, Malt Lake Lily. Wa havo new revoked our CRACKER MACHINE With H the 1at("t vrorriivpniprt-". ar.d' are waKms KIVTY DlVtEtiENI HINTS $F CKACREKs, GALLACHER & SONS. Send for Price List, a-il Addnsa P. 0. BoxSU. fO.lL! COIL!! COAL!!! ! 'lMlKn HI, If AKE llrllitT.Y N0TIK1EP1 A thst I am til S-lo Acontfortho tiraa-Canyon tiraa-Canyon C--sl ia -".tit l.ko County. luyor can nbt.tin this "ploinlid Conl by tho ton or car load by arplyinc to mo, at thootVico of Jos. A. Yoims. itll Lake City. C. J. LKi.SaleimAfl.V.C.rv.B.IVpot. U. lL PARK. P. 0. Box 363. iafl KOTARIES PUBLIC. TM. K. OILLBfriX. W. T. TTO0D5 GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, A-VD SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Acisowleookmists ukiB for the sereral States sd Tibbitobies. Office hoors. 9 1, v., to 9 r. V. Rotj Ne. 5 ever lint National Bank, tfalt Lake City, Ctah Territory, s5 CH AH. W. BTAYxVKR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qaified .ad commissioned by the OScoljt door south of Sirage's PhotOErarh Gallery, bait Lake Cm. l 5 1 U t S , s Q s 13 g g h m K H ) 2 3 g I CS S 00 w 13 g s a M 2 5a i 2 " r wq CONFECTJONERY. The undersipned wishes to inform his numerous Friends and the Public generally, that he has everything every-thing in the above lice, CONSISTING OF THE FINEST ORNAMENTED CAKES COFFEE C4ICES. a inn, wxivijo, Al'IES, MACAI50XIES, LADY FINGERS. KTCi, KTC. 1 trrc, FRUITS, N UTS, AXD THE BEST HOME MADE CANDIES In the uiiirkot, A FULL STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANGY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS AND VARIETIES, Usually kept by him, are now Bold as Cheap as any House in Town. DANIEL CRENIC. EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET. A 1)070 Second Sf'th Street. ausH Salt Lake City. WM. LANAHAN & SON, D1STILLK1S AND JOBBERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, Wirthini Mo. SO LlRht Street, BALTIMUHK. mT21 AT Tilt: New Auction House, Wcstof Kimball A Luwronvio's. all kinds of IlKDDINU aud LOI XOC Mado to order. Carpets M.lo, Cle-inod and put d"nn. Cornivoi unido. I'uriiituro iu'lisliod. varnished and recairod. Fumii-iro and Pianos uiovod, Ilou50 1'ai'oruio- and CaUouiinine-ialj CaUouiinine-ialj . More Light 20,000 GALLON'S Of tho colebr-itod IMPERIAL OIL, 150 Fire Test. C R O "W" 1ST, 110 Standard Fire Test, FOR SALE. BY THE BAKU EL OR CASE, IN LOTS TO Sl'lT, P ETROLEUM Non-Explosive Fluid, SIXTY CENTS TER GALLON. LiMPSiND LAMP GOODS FOR THE .MILLION ! AT THE Pioneer LamD Store Nearly opposite the Market. I. 1EESE & CO. HOTEL'S, ETC. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL OX TDD tCKOPKA.I PL A3. Bimated in bu'ine?" part of the city, with tcao m modal 10a for .Ogucets. FIRST-CLASS accommodatioa for Families and Travelers, aoomi, JUc.,75c, Si. 00 and SI. 50 Dininr Hall and Restaurant nnder the management of M. H- ti&krdiler, ltt of the Morriion House. Oratha, ajid Iichnor tloufa, Lincoln. Neb. Board vr wck, $7) Blcala, 50e. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Staices leave daily for the mines. Laundry connected with the hotel. S3IITU A BIGAZK, aiyl7 Procrietort. Washington House A-'liird ?oiitIi JStro.et, SALT L A m K CITY Board and Lodglne?, par Wk 47 00 Board and Lodglug. per day, 1 'Z3 ! Day Boartf, per week, 3 00 Single French Spring Bedi, per week, - a 50 Bdi,ptr Hlglit - 50 Maala - . , - 23 m TOWKSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE L li A 1)1 Mi HOTEL Or D Tllli JAMES TOWKSEND PROPRIETOR. Thii Honse Is oentrally and pleasantly lo oatod, woll furniihed. and haa MCoatmod-tioas MCoatmod-tioas for 10 gnosis. THE PROPRIETOR Is now prepajini o build large additions to hb Hotel, whWb nhen Kniahed, will renJ-er It tha Mott Complete EitabUihmvrJ in the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION mil TATLOE'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. royu WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. XT r A. "EI . THIS HOUSE IS THE LAKCET AND 1 host aiH-ointcd Uouo in Utah Territory, and haa nccoiii lundntioii lur tbroo hundred and tilly mufeit. St rout cars and oarriaHOi connected connect-ed vith the White sulphur liattis. Roadins Rooms, cooUiniii? papars from all ioint. Baths, Bar, Tcloitraph, Noiva and Cigar Stand attached to thollouso. H. S. GREELEY, k CO., naval Proprietors. AMERICAN HOTELS WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Tumi-fA.50 par dan iWeeUly Boardnd Uooin; Sia,00 to $15. OU) Table Board, 8 00. A fow First Class familioi can find pleasant quarters. SaliLakoCity, Noveuiber 2, IS. 2. J. C. Ll'ilLE, ho24 Proprietor. W.T.REYNOLDS ft CO., B. ZABRISKIE, San Jfrancisco. Salt Lake CiU. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO, HAVS TOR S.UI A FINE UNS OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To wbioh they call tho atteDtion of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed.' SOLE AUESTS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. T II K F 1 N K S T B A. IR IN THE CITY CONNF'TTED WITH THK Iinc.-iB. 64 MAIN STREET Tnodanrl tdnlh of Well, FrRO A Co'a nnnr. m f5 C. II. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron find Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOO Li. AfrtaUtral ImpUcnHl Aad Jaiatn g Toola, At Lowtit Ratal. "Pr-jSIIE IJ1E SALT LAKE UOViE. ili ' INSURANCE. THZ0. LXSlRiXCE CO. J. K. RF'ETT - - President. B. I. K.NT - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, Jt XE 30, 1873. Cash on haTid. in bank, and in course of trxc;mijiorj fULaw 57 Cniusi laiii liunds. market value "9 liifl.i KoccUldU 3b.l7 16 taie lined.' tiaJ Mi?t'eil:intxUS K,ol7 f9 Due from Aeenu 3.S.'-v 6VS m I.IABII.ITIHS. OnttariJi-i? Losses 'and other Lia bilities ,. J77.7U (X H. R, Maim a Co., Agents, Omce: linnkliiK Iloitae of A. W. WliltcAto, P.O. Box, fiS. . iras AGEITCY OF THE Home Mutual INSCRIACE ro.HPly, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL - - - - $650,000. J(1IX II. BEniXUTt.X, Prcldent.. CllAKI.ES K. STOBT, Secr.l.rf. Principal Ojfirr, U3 California St-, SAX FRANCISCO. H. R. tVlANN & Co., Agents, Oiliro: Banking llouso, A. W. U'hitoA Co. Pkospkctus fou IS73. SixthYear. THK ALDINE, An Illustrated M out lily Journal, universally adiultled to be tlie liniiiUouicst lerlodicnl In the World. A Representative aud CUauipioii of Amcrl-can Amcrl-can Tftste. Not for Saia in Book nr News Stores. T11L" ALDINE, while issue J with all the roKiiluritj-, hat nono of tho temporary or ' ""l l" luiuuiiuiiMii u urmnary I.tiuUii-;i1s. It is an ok'Kant miscellany of 1-iire. liriiit, ami t,-racui.il literature; and a col-lx-tiin ft iiouri:r. tho rarest si-ucimens of arn-lic skill, in blat-k and white. Although oath f.icoeodin number ailorJs a froh lt'as-ur.'tu lt'as-ur.'tu it- irioiiili, thu run I value and beauty of lllh A LD I . t will be most appreciated alter it Lai boon bound U. ut U.. ,-losu ol the year. H hilo oilier iublications may claim sunarinr cbeapneis, as comi'ured with rivals ofa similar class, 1 11 L. ALil. L is a uninuo and original coQceptton alone and uo approached absolutely abso-lutely without competition in prieo or character. charac-ter. The possessor o: a complete volume cannot can-not dupWLio tho quantity of lino paper and eiif-ravin m any other shape or number of Vojume.lor iu (Uiicn Its tosljnud then, ART DEPARTMENT. Notwithstanding tho incroaso in tho prico of subscription la.-t rail, when T11L ALULNK assumed its present noble proportion; and representative rep-resentative character, the edition mt-re tlian doubled during tho past veax; proving prov-ing that iho American public aiTociato, and will suppurl, a siueero oilort in the cause of Art. Iho puhlishers, anxious to justify tho ready conndenco 'hus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to tho utmost to aovolop and improve tho work; and tho plans lor tho cumuiy year, as uniolded by tho monthly issues, is-sues, will astonish and ueligbl oven the most aaiK-ume irienosof ill K A l.Hl.Mi. Iho publishers aro authorized to announce di'situ l.rom many oi tho mvst eminent artuu in addition, THE ALDINE will produce ox-amjdes ox-amjdes of tho best loreinn masters, selected with a view to tho htshet artiMie success, and preatest general interest; avoiding such as have become i ami liar, through photographs or copied ot any kind. The ouarierly tinted plate;, for 1S73 will reproduce re-produce lour ol John S. JJavios' inimilablo child-ikotcbos, approjiriate to tho four soasotw. iuese rlaies, appearing in tho issues for January, Jan-uary, April, July, and Uctober, would bo alone worth tho price oi li year's subscription. iho j-pular leaturoa ul a copiously illustrated illustrat-ed "Christmas'' number will be continued. To possess such a valuable epitome of tho art world, at a cost so irihinK, will command the subscriptions ot thousands in overy section of tho country; but, as tne usciulnosa and attractions attrac-tions ol i'llli ALKi.NK can be enhanced, in proportion to theimmerioal increase ot iU tuii-portors, tuii-portors, the publistiurs projMjso to tnako "as-suraiu-o double sure' by tho lollowing unparalleled un-paralleled ullox of l'ltKMIl JItUllOMOS FOR IS73. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE, who pays in advance tor tho year lSTj, will receive, withnut additional charge, a pair oi beautitul oil chrotnos, alter-J. J. tiui, tho eminent English Eng-lish painter. The pictures, entitled "Iho illage lieil, and Crossing tho Moo:." are U JJ inches aro printed iruiui dilTerent plat us, repair ing -J. t jiupreiiiona and tints to pericvl e;i;h picture. Ilio aaino cbroiaos aro .old lor S -o per pair, in tjio art stores. As it is lliu determination of its conductors to keep lllh ALDl.NE out ol tho reach ol competition in overy department, tho chremos will bo found correspondingly ahead ul any that can beollercd by other poriudieals. Every subscriber sub-scriber will receive a certificate, over the signature sig-nature ol thi.- publishers. cuuranteeitiK that tho chromoi delivered shall be e jual to the samples furnished tho agent, or tho money will 6o refunded- The distribution ol pictures uf this grade, free to the subscribers tu a live dollar periodical, will marf. an epoch in the history ol Art; and, coniidenug tho unprecedented cheapness ol the price lur 1'llE AI.Di.S E iL-eli, tho marvel lulls little short ol a miraclo, even lo those best acquainted with tho achievements achieve-ments i f invontivo gomus and improved mechanical me-chanical appliances. (For illu.-traiions of these chromoi, aeo Xouinbur iaouo ot THE THE HTKlfARY Irl.I'AR I'M EX TS v.-ill cm inuo under the care of M r. RICH RD lll-MLl' siuDLUKlJ, agisted ty iho'bcst writers and poets ot lhediy, n ho will strive to haetheliter.it'iro of HIE ALDINE always al-ways in keeping wnfl its artistic attractions. TEtt.MS. 3 per auuutu, In auvauce, with Oil ( llromoi free, THE ALDINE will, hereafter, bo obtained only by subfcnptn.n. There will bo no ro-dueod ro-dueod orclub rate; cash for subscriptions must be sent to the pub!;-hers direct, or handed to the Kal acr.:. vtthout rt -poinl bill t y loilie piibllfhem, except in ra-es nhere the certificate isjtiveE.bcaiin.-thefac-aiinlle signature oi J aiuj suiiua x Co. AbLMS WASTED. Any perron, wishing to art pcrrancntly a. a htral av-.ct. will receive lull aad prcuipl in-lu:matun in-lu:matun by aiplyinK to JAMES SITIOX 4 Co., rublUhtri, 5S M AIDES LA.NE, LH YOHE. W. 11, H.arrixotos, Agent, Herald Office. LUMBERYARD. All Kimts i)f I.iiniher DOOI'.S, WINDOWS BLIKPS, .MOULDINGS. SIILGLE3, LATU3, t. n. jotjes hli lk soalh ol U. lJo-o. PES MOIHLS TRADE. PES MOINES Scale Company ! f-OF F- K ri?T, PresidenL S. F. SrOFFORD. Vice-P't. GEO. A. JEWETT.Secr y. jj W- BEDHEAD, Treasurer. s:j&-C3ra & S. HITCHCOCK, Sup't WM. DICKERSON, General Agent We ara manafartiirinii. and can till orders on short notice, the following; Hay, Coal and Steel: Scales ! RAILROAD, Warehousp X Counter Scales WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES ! FLOUR AXD BUTCHERS' BKAM BRS'ie Warehouse Trncki. Evry article warranted durable and accurate, SCALES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Address, for Cirrulars, DK9 MOIVKS SCALE CO., no26 Dos Moines, Iowa. A. E. ROBERTS & CO., Manufacturers of SCHOOL FURNITURE, OFFICE DESKS, CHURCH, HALL, AND COURT HOUSE SE A.TS. DES MOINES, IOWA. Blackwell's Liquid Slating and Black Board. Orders soli ;i ted. Send for Illustrated rfttn.'-.ciii-and l-VW I .i-t. I .'" MISCELLANEOUS. .A.T COST! FOB. CHRISTMAS XEW. VEAR PRESENTS rHE MOST DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY OP-PORTUNITY ! nini a i Aiiiinnrn UAhL U. AbfflUiitn TILL SKI. I. J And wishes to csll .pocinl attention to lii boautifnl tiMurtmcnt of'lino Ladies' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTI.KMKN'S DRESS RINGS, C.'IAINS, LOUKMS snJ t'lURMS. Also a srest vnrietj- or tho best select" d GOLD N'TCLA'ES BROOCH-FS, BROOCH-FS, FAR RINGS AND FULL SEIS A ooutplato tissortmont of tho host Brndo.. CT AMERICAN WATCIIKS tho most suitable for Railroad Travolors, Farmers and Minor. For nreneth and good going they aro unsurpassed, and will koop longer than any other watch. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD UPON HONOR AXD WARRANTED. The public are cordially invited to ins poet- CAUL C. ASJITJSSEN, 1EWELER AND WATCHMAKER, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, S. L. CITY. dial CRACKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! Salt Late Sim Cracto Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT. T AM .MANUFACTintlN'i thoh( QUAL-J QUAL-J ITY nn.l G 1( LATENT VAltlKl'V of HMKKIH, ovor produced in I ho Territory, Terri-tory, which 1 offer to tho Trade and l'ublic generally, at the lowe'I i",isililo prices. .Merchant and friend" are requested t" rait and oiamino uiy noods and priecf, boloro purchasing. 1L Y. ANDERSON, Salt Lake City, Jan. 4, 1S7A Utah Territory. CHICAGO & ALTOX R. R. Tli Only Flrct-Clani Ropd In LOUISIANA, MISSOURI fltir Short Route from Kansas City to Chicago, Without Change ( Via Pt. Lou!-, Knrm city and Nnrth'rn (Ute North Mi"iint nd '"h r-t;n nri,I Altnn Ruilroad'. oropine the M i ? i : r p i at Lou-liiana. Lou-liiana. Mo., ar. I pnoino thr-uch Jackson-Till Jackson-Till e, BleomiDEton and Jilipt. The Shortest and BM Uoiite (o Die East, Tia Chicago! ELfrQANT rdY CARS FTJLLMAIPALiCE SLEiPiSB CAES Ron thronth froi K.,i- city an-i St. Lonu lo Cmiuc, without chanee 1 FELMAI FAL1CI DIII35 lil AND SMOKING CARS On all daily tralst : the oclylin ronnini theae oatj from KaMsaa Cltyjand It. Lou la to Chicago- No Line makes as Good Time, Or elnjer connect ic no, Dan oe-.ter a-cfTcmo dationf, better l.-fcck. more elecant day rarf, A Tire Iniu riant and Pomfor'.aMe lrppir,s rani. Tram ol K i.n'al' cifio acd aJiWa,:ern rr.adf c r.nect ci.-fc y w;;h tra;ai of thu line, ii t'sios Depot, Kaniaa City. JAS. HARLTON, General PaFnrer and Ticket A rest, C.XA.K. K. Ciiciuo. J. M:MULLTX, f "n. SopL, C. A R. B... Chicajto. FRANK HIGH, WMtem Trmrelint AjewjLC A A. R K Kabaai ciU. Mo. iH i MISCELLANEOUS. SELL1NGAT COST. Great (iacrlAeelKt'binwn Ooali ill, Coal. portin at iho 1". C. K. 1 Don: Coal delivered in all part.- of tho City at H .'per ton. Order receii cl at Ioad-l A Co1: DuciVrd i Son-.Sa:;:h'.- i:oo; ai:i hoe Store and b-'. in the l'o?t 'cv. fe:J FOR SALE. n HOKSP-IVIWFK -LTTTLF iIAr-.'V iIAr-.'V Lscire ad li. iler complete, in lull e:k-ir. e:k-ir. c. nuitioa, iile by G0RD2N &, MJRRAY. Half block soath R. R. Dept-t. m!t Lake LiU'. M. T. BURGESS, Civil Enginser snd U. S. Hintral Surveyor, Will prepare the neooary Paper, nnd Dia-STims Dia-STims lor l'atenu and 1'rotosL. Ofiiee In BuiMing occupied by Snrvevpr tionond. Jdnl XO THE TRADE. John Rm SaDnfictariflt Co., J. RUSSELL & CO., QiiilElsr RiVKK WOKKS, Works ttr)( Waro h-i'isrs, Tltrnkr's Fau.s, Mass., Manulacture tho fin est and larfsst variety TABLE CUTLERY In tho World. Their G,xds can now found uron the LiitiofailA 1 dobbins Hoiwej. OfRce and Samplr Kooin; 0 (ham-hers (ham-hers Street, . K W VOKIi. Jno. Kussell 31 Vs Co. janJ9 CT cr b : .- H I II Patw, 0 y. ,35 o - S, igl iil! g2 J w I J r W : a, ? S I $ ' 1 -S A $ 1 la 0 I ei hi S j . " do CORN, OATS, BARLEY, FLUUli.cOK.VMEA 1 l'.UOK M il F.AT-I' F.AT-I' UH R AXD PHIMB 111 n t li. .ho'dtl'lV1'""'" "y i" ("OIIDtl.t A .VlttltKW, )EB KOCKSOF NATIDXAL WEALTH lVL r? "J 0!l..Jl-"irit.'ili.Li anil on n.o. 1 own il 1 will divide Aildrc... N . 1. HI.AtH, 9 . Boa ISO, 8.H i..u. Iir ANTED. KOTO CASH, poll ONE i, aTr'. iV" l'u"'oo tho finest mininK intoro,t ,n I lah for lb. use ot the money. a itafia- a- i!LA1"-siti..koaiy, p. HENRY WACENER, Suit Lnk, City, l t.li, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAUKR BKElt, ALE AND PUICTKK, WHOLESALK A.tD RETAIL, NOTICE. Atll.rdncr I.kIo, and r,ut lliit ,"l I... in ll.etiri.lian H,.y 1,,., nil! . lic , e have done 1,1,.,,,,,, ,,e ;,! ,,,,p.,h 1 j! loilioainountof line l,rl , ,. cacli. 1 lie saino l.ein, .,- j ,..,..,., (. l-.l ronLs per foot ,,n ,ho Uen .V tiai .in.-i and pieIu and ono-third .s l-.li eent per t. ..,' .itwl in Little f .it.mwp.id Ip-trict. ;,lt ; lp t "only. Ual, Ternp.t,-. A, , nllJ , yon are hereby lmniied lo pay yuar puru-.n a-aOovo a-aOovo ftal.-d. nrliin litne! i ' r' ,:u lr,, Ja o of thi. no-.ieo. to A. '. I,,,,, ,., .allLnkeCiL-. HK.NHV ml p S.iltLakk Citt. Doe. 7. iTi ' ' ,s o s rri pTP m mm TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THE EAST, NORTH AND SOUTHEAST, No. 3. STATIONS. iipaaaa MAIL. Leave SALT LAKE j t.t.m.l 2:Vi,i, " OMAHA ; 6:J0p.m. 5;-Wa.m. ArriTt BURLINGTON j 5:Wa.iDj l:0p.in. " QJeiburiC.B.lQ-) Mia. lfWj..a. Ifnaou llil.r ?.:Z; a.m " Chicaco " j 3:1!) p.m., 7:00 a.m. " Peoria - 'Aa-iu. Ll-Wa.nj. " Ind'piij!I.n.iW. ' 6:15 p.m.' S:i'ia.in, Cincinnati - - , Hr'dp.ni,' tl.'ip.m. " LoganPnrt ' 5i''pB.' 9:2fa.m. T. P.iW.) I " Colnir.hijii ' 2 4-ri.ni. '-Vpn r-Thronch Can f-in M'-nti-l River to Chi-af. ( -.1:a-inr-"lin, Ciofinoati. Locanr port arid Colambiifi.I O.r.ntvtionn ' iE"e pnin" wi:h 1Ilc laad'-Ncto th- Kmi, W:h ar,i Suih. Thi i the Hhnrttil, Unlckeal astl ( hnj.t llnnl. Do Bft h. jl t--h. h.it "r.'!n Tl-k.(. Tii Lha Barllnrton A Miuoori River Railroad. A.B-TorZALIS, C. K. PERK INF; Oul f ai: AxnL Otn'ltJ't . OH ST. LOUIS TRADE. ; mrHiiTsEiv!iEPER WHO 1VANT? A ll.-.Vl'V FAMILY. i EVERY H3TEL KEEPER " .:.' 'iU a F ill li, . ., EVERY STOVE DEALER who m k i. e; s; i. EVERY mmU ESI h,.de.,..l.,llvaii;,!,, ,. v L...W. MUH i.i. V, v pi pus CELEBRATED ASK YOUR TiNNER for them If ho doe." not have sr. aforttnent, SEND YOUR uKDER TO mm immm u. SAINT LOUIS. WhoKvato Dwtlors in all kindi of TINNERS' STOCK, And all LIVE STOVE DEALERS. novH MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. t t?alizoil by Suie Auihoriiy aud Drawn iu Piiblir in SI. I.ouis, Grand Single Number Scheme. 50.000 NUMBERS. Cliiaa O, to b Urawn F-ti. UK, 1873. VKSO i'ru-, Amounting to $3X1,000. I TifB ol tin. (Mill flUO prltMof t IOO pne ot i;,4.iU Vjint-.ol l,OUU 1 i- io ol 1 I). .(Ill Uiri.,.,ol ftlHJ I inr of 7.M).- Orinnf 3HO 4.n,.fof a. (Hill Urir,.i( 15 0 4 inr.rjt ol M..1l: 3rt pnt ,.f aft i.n.-ot l on i) ,.ri...or iu 0 .r,7oof Sm IMItrii,n . 100 0 irLiiviof HjU 5, OHO i.tinuuf 10 Tlckata, SHI. Uulf rii ktta, B, iiuariera, 1.51). t. Our ,.ttn nr,. .-l,,ri,.r,.1 In Uik Sum arc '-,. ilrn il l llir. lit.,,, imni.l. kii.I nil .Uiwuiiiti 4- Tin- ..111. ml Jrimii'i; ill U- ,; . i.l. lu ttie 1..HH .,.r, mi.l n to,.)' r aritwlujj M.t lo P'ivl.r ul tictrtv; Wr ill B rtiunUr rhnriift the lat t H..I.HI at our n-k L V-n-T OF nO .Y OKHK.i.-. KKtllSl'XuKtt LKl'lKR, 0Hi.KT.oi KXI'llrt'S I l..f ... ir,-.,pr. AJ - ,lr ... f It ' M . Hlll.lttH n.. Po.t Office Box ii4 46. ST. LOUIS. Mo. ms-17 SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, m a'sr ivv'j 4 VAMLLA, 1X.1I0X, HC, For riaoriiiir Ire froani, Caki-s and IVIry. iili pn'rit r:in hv a wvw inf"', tve cl titi't hum llir if-r'i . n lfi-t l-'nun :iinl Al'i'UKilii r:n.li t li:ti;irli iilU; vor, nihl l'1-t..lui'i- ",.,,: ..,. f rirA rrr !', ir (,, $,,-,,( tf,., ,,,,11, ,,,!' ifrl,ct ""'.v. yhi--uso, :.. .;., v "'v. X,,,i..; b .tit, f1t 'fIlv'. hl,iu,ri . 'fi,i-v (i,n vt'h. r. j-'irH.rtu.y to , f.,',r ,r,ht,'. I's !!.,. on.r, ,nr .s ,, nit., r. Ur vt i.i,,:i!,-t ,t,!;.-,.IH it,, -.! , ,. r m.ulr. So si.U..f In Mm- -1u-.ij i-Mt.i. N. A-k for l'r. rnir"- Sp. j-i! KLiv ot m.. hx f.K'tiiiiil only I iv Dl'JMlls, I IlIl Alii I ntui Si'. J ,1 l IS. M.n.uf-f:r, r of J'r. V.vV Cfim Jl.iiiixj J'mrtii r. Epizootic ! EPIZOOTIC ! I V. V I 7, () () T 1 (J I I FOUND AT LAST! A Spfviiir ir t!,.. f I ' I hl.M D'. r.ue e!l-ted in from thrc" (.). nr -I. -r i 11 per b-ttk-. Wh.,1,. ,,.. H'l p. or d..;.n. HIPPQCRASTUS ! - Wlf.U-;ile a.,d l:....il l,.v. C. F. CULMER & CO, (.KOKKIJK K JIi iii k, Slt l.nkr ( ll. lurmdrd' l.y . i r-' " ' '"' ' '" ",,,'J;" THIS VKMj KNOWN liltAM) -OF- JAPAN TEAS - P'.'K bALE AT Grocery Departmenti l f. P. Cl.irTS'jS.tu.t |