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Show (By W. I". Telesrai-h.) it ail ways vi. wauoss. Washington, 9. In response to the house resolution, calling for statement of the amount paid tho Union Pacific company for army transportation aud an estimate of the cost of transportation -! if the road had not Been ci'ustruc'cd, 1 the i-ceretary of war has transmitted 1 to coi'cre.-s the report of the quart cf I master g-neral, showing that the government hj.s paid the Union Pacific company lor such trarsportation $0,0 io.i'4' of which one bail" wic paid in cs.-h and one half iu credits, on occ.-unt cf ih.; r.iiiwa7 bjn 1 indebtedness indebted-ness to gover.iujcut. 'flic quarter ni.-ter Een-.iai intimates tin the cot of moving t hj s mi',' troops an 1 (supplies (sup-plies by M.ice and wat:)n would hjve been V , lo-"'. :-:io,.Tir;g .11: L;LiL:ated saving i.i nvornment by railway tran.-potialiou of i0,b:'l,'2it cr about tiu per cent. |