OCR Text |
Show CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA ic. Ilt-gcniau's Gcnuliie Cod Liver Ull Our Cod Liver Oil ia warranted piiro NEWFOUNDLAND NEW-FOUNDLAND OIL. It has stood tho Lest of ovor in-onty years' oxporioneo, and can bo reliod on in every particular. Manufactured by IIciiKMAS Sc Co.. Uhomists and Drut'uists, Aow York, and sold by all Druggists. d2-J SI.niLIA SnilLIBUS CIRAMCR HUMPHREY'S HOMKOlMTillC Sl'ECIFK'S. HAVE PROVED, FROM TIIE MOST ample oxi icrionco, an ontiro success: yim-plo yim-plo Prompt Eilic ient and Reliable. They aro tho only inodicinea perfectly adapted to popular uso ao simplo that mistakes can not bo mado in using them; so harmless as to bo freo from danger, and so odiciont as to bo alwaya roliablo. Thoy baro raised tho high-ost high-ost commendation l'rom all, and will alwaya render satufaciitn, Nos. Cents. Curo 1, " Fevers, Cuapoition, InQammationa..25 2, " Worms, Worm Fov-er, Worm Colic. ..25 3, " 'r'liB-CIic or teething of Infants. ..25 it " Dlnrrliuin, of Childron or Adults 25 5, " Iyitentevj-, lirii'ing. Bilious Colic. ..2) ii, " ChoUra-lIiirbui, Vo miLing 2o 7, " t'oughs. Colds, Bronchitis 2i S, " Nciii-nlirln, i'oothacho, Facoacho. 25 9, " JlcnitucUcjt, Sick Headaclio, Vertigo 25 10, " Iyspeiata, Billious Stomach 25 11, " Siiiirecl, or fainful Periods 2-5 12, " Wliltta, too Profuio Poriods 25 Hi, " l'rom, CouK-b, Dillicult Breathing 25 U, " Suit Itlieuni, Erysipelas. Fruptions..25 15, " Klcuiinllsii, Khoumatic Paina...25 10, " fever and Ague, Chill Fovor, Agues 50 17, " Piles, blind or bleeding 5u IS, " Oplithlnmr, andsoro or weai Eyes 50 IP, ' t'atin-rli, acutoor chronic lcfluoniajU 20, " WlioopUig-Conglij violent cuuiis ..50 21, " Aithiun, oi'pre?-ed Breathing 50 22, " lUir Dhthurgcs, impaired hearing 50 23, " Scrol'ulu, onlarod glands, Sffoll- injia 50 i, " Utacnil Dobdity, physical weas ne; 50 2"i, " lro;?.j- and scanty Stcretiuns 50 2;, " Sen -Sic Un can. .iicitnes from riding.. -V) 27, " littlitty-IM sense, Uravel ..5U 2c?, .Vii vuii.f Kcblllly, Stniillnl I " Km in isskuu, involuntary j JJ;.-fliar0-ed LuO ( t U "i w;Lli one 52 vial of ponder, very oecciaary iu ier- ! ' Sore .Hod tli. Canker 5u , " I rlii.iry lVnkntlS, wetlins boiL.5u " I'.iitiful I'criotis, with ipajms j : " Siiilcrlnyit at chacs.-o uf lift- l'JU , " Iipilclyt ip.tsllii, VllUd' 1 D.iaco 1W ol. " llin.liei l;, ulcerated sore throat. ...5y 1 FA M;lY USta Of 3 lo CU l,nii;e vlnla, ( nil I at n In ii n specific lor tvtry oiilmnry dlsrosc n I family Is ubj.tt to, anil j liuoki of ill roc tioiu,...ruii 310 to S J 3 Smaller Fa mlly and Trnvel- lug c-ucs, wiiii Jj to vials. rom$j to SS SpeciLc fur all Prim e Iu- tnso, botii fur t'uriii. azd ft-r Pre vcntl e treatment, in vials acd Pocket cases S-to 53 Pond's Extract, j Cures Burn, Bruise, Lamtntti, Siirrntsi, aore Tliroat, Sprain, Tnolhuht, tarrh, "e lira 1 1; la, RhtuuiiUl-m, I.miibnffO. Files. llol I s, r.niis, Sore Lyri. Ki ceiling of t lie I.hun. o.r, - ; oiiine Ii, or of lllt( loriij, I leers, UM ;oi c. I'rlc;. a oi., 30 cei-.tij Pints, $1.00 Quaru, SI.! 3. ea- T-ve ress-!i. eicer-t POND'S EX- ' T:CT. hy L- . tr ii.-,-;e H. i. are ses: to . a-y p.irt thj c -r.try. ty tciJ cr ei;re;a, fr-.'O oi Ctare, uj rccm; L ui" Lae jrice. S.d- --i.; I Hamp-ireys' Specific ! Ka.T.scpatiilc Kcdicir.a Co. : F'jaSALE i;V ALL DP.UC-'jTS, Azd at L. C M. X-nd u-ibe's Lint itJ e. SrECl.iL AVEKT1SEMEIS WANTED. ONF OR TIV" r.'-.,i,. V. 11H OK WITH-.Jl WITH-.Jl b-a;d. aro no t:::ir L- d-er .l.i ii. -9 :-l. B., lirK.iLL- o:! HI ACIKI. T iMMiKNLlLA!. Rol'KWOKK. A i , lv f. Mr,. A,:;U..i',u.lrtb h-.us llui til ol lhUe. fel'7 tilKI.T" l"x;ENKKAL H"' Y. W ' K K . V"MA' watfi F"ii a smvli, fatinlv: mufi b-a ! k, wa-aer and uli't. A ! :v lu 2 j t'.- -a's. iivl"-" i.tid. A mi'i:,:B ur-uu may .all a: W. lie: hi;.,!.'- Lu cl.ie, inv duor i..ul!l ul" FOll HEM. ,'Il:Tl-l.ASj..rHK'ESIU Kll-VT OVKIl I 1 I15C .NaLiuiid) Bank. jn'J ESTKAY. UMK TO -MY l'LACK. AT WAKM V SiTtns-. on ihe 25th gf January, a hi-i'T Call'. r.)J ai.dwLjl, eroj. and liulo iu runt it Ity i-aiu lor adverli-in and tn-ublo. lodging's rinnici: accommodations for a .y fow ludiford and boarders. Kii'tuiro ut tliiaurJico. j21 f Dli. GROVES, ' Office, Socond rtouth Ltreet, Three doors wat if irat W efltorn Hotel, half a block oajit cf tloiihaat t luru. lialt Lake City. OUico hours from iia.m. to 5 p.m. mil Argenta L oil fit-, So. 3, A. F, dt A. H, CTATICD Cnmmnnications of th'i l-odno i hold m tho Fir.ii and Third Tucidiiva of ein'h iu until, at Masonic Hall, ICilsL 'iutujilo stroi.'t. jMumburs of .Sisiur l.o,l-us mid m-ioiirnin!; m-ioiirnin!; brulhion in tjood alandinB ure cordially cor-dially invited. A. W. NUCKOLS. W. M. W. I, BIHD. Scc'v. d-J-t NEW ADVERTISEIVIENTS SALT LAKE THEATRE. GRAND DOUBLE ATTKACTIOX- Tuesday, Feb. Iltli, 1873. FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY! Will bo iirconlt'i, f.ir tho socond nnd last tijiiu, tho brilliant J-Aut comody, onUllod NOT SUCH A FOOL As H Looks To concludo with the thrilling nautical drama untitled, THE LOST S HIP. Will shortly bo produced, tho HEHJllT Ol" TIIK OAVK, by CapU John Martin, or this uity. FRIDAY' -EVEMXU, FKDRUAUY II, BENEFIT OF Mr. W. T. HARRIS. Ad'miuistrator's Notice. qMIE TNDERSH1NED, IIAVINU TJEKN X iifpointod by tho I'robuto Court of Suit Lako County Administrator of iho EPtalo of Siiujiiul Lantiuld, douoafod, lliia ia to nolily nil persons hnoiviiiK thoini'olvcs iniiobtud to siiid uliito, to oomo forward aud inako iiumo-diuto iiumo-diuto iiiiymont ol'tho fniiK' ; iluJ thoxo liitvinc claims iiirainslsaid oataLci .shoulil irosiml thoiu for seltlutuont. CEO. K. JONES,' AduiiniBlrntor. Salt Luko City, Fob. 8, lo7. lobll HOTIGE. MOST RESPECTFULLY' CALL tho ftttontion of tho public to a portion of tho City Ordinanco in rohition to (lunraatino p&saod'AuKiist 1th, 1671. Jktku! Clinton, 1 Qimriintino E. "AsDKiiaos, i l'hysiuiins. Salt LakoXity, Fob. a, 1H7J. S:r. 3. That if any person or persons shall bo found in no unhialthy dindic ion from uny contiigious diac:iso, ivithin tbo iilorcsnid tiuur-unlino tiuur-unlino limit-, thoy shiill, if in tho judKOtnoni of iho siiid board of Quarantine tho saioty of tho porson no inlccted, or tho public, fhall render .inch uction ncccPiiiry, bo rciuiri'd to rompvo forth with, to such pluco, williin siiid limits na said llonrd may direct; and if any such person shall 1101,-loct or roluao to comply thoroivith, it shiill be tho duty of ani l Hoard to hnvo it dnno at tiio oxponso of aaid porson ; and if in (iijOnio..t .if aaid Loard it phall bo doomed ndvpiiiblo ior tnu r"" v nuaa Lu lviaalu in bis udual place of abudo for caro and troat-mont, troat-mont, Hie said Hoard shall corapol ihojatnct Hiiiirantininyof said pluco of abudo, by causing to be kept displayed conspicuously during tlio period of dancer, a yoilow flue upon such promises, ui we-ll as by clabliahing n guard at or near tho samo, by giving notice in tho most public manner practicablothut said promises pro-mises aro infected ; and further by rogulnting uzid jirohibiting ingroaa and ogrosa to and from said proniiief, until nil danger from infection therein ahall havo ceased, and tho most thorough thor-ough meaaurcs for disinfecting said premiaos shall havo been taken. Aud if tho effects of any person bo found in a condition liablo to engender contagious dsioaso, thosaino shall at tbo discretion of tho mutrnntino physician, bo removed or destroyed at tho expense of tho owner thereof: and in tho event of (ho removal ol any voraon so infected, tho premises from which hois removed, aod tho household thus exposed, shall be strictly ouarantinod until all danger of infection tlmll havo raised; nnd such measures for tho imrilieation of said promise." shall bo taken, as in thojudgmont of tho uarantiao ithjsicians shall bu necessary. neces-sary. Sr-, -1. Tlio names of all (piarantino physicians phy-sicians shall bo published in soma newspaper printed in Salt, Lako Cily, during the continu-anco continu-anco of tho contagion. All physicians or olhor persons having any knowledge of tho existence of any lnaligoant contagious dis-oaso, dis-oaso, or having reason to buliovo any such disoosooxi.ts, are hereby required to report the same forthwith to a quarantine I'bysiciiin and physicians, nurses or any otiior persons, who Iiavo been, or shall be expose 1 to such contagious disease, aro horcby forbidden to uiitiglo with, or bo in the presence ol others, subject to the contagion, in such clothing ;ts may havo been used lvhoro there was such di.-easo, or .otherwise expose any person to such contav-ion. Si:c. 5. Any jiorson noglocting or refusing tocomidywith tho abovo rciuiremcnls, shall bo liablo to a lino not exceeding one hundred dollars, or bo imprisoned not to exceed six months, or both lino and imprisonment. 9 "Advertising is.tho Oil which wiso men pu in thoir Laiaos. iiouEK.1 1'hovehu. L P. FISHER, ADVERT1S1 NG Rooms 20 & 21 Merchants' Execute CALIFORNIA STREET. SAN FRAHCISO, Eolicita Advertiieaients and Subscriptions for tho Salt jLake Daily and Semi Weekly Herald Ant fer papers paMhn-! tn Calirrnia. Ore g"n and r-'evada; Wii.-hingt(in, Luh, Idaho. M-jnt.ina, Colorado. Ari:-na and aJjacunt Territories; Sandwich I.-land, the tnu fa Pusses i-jns, lexi-;in Ports. .N icaragua. I'na-ma. I'na-ma. Vjl; araii.j. Japan ar.d I'hina: N'J-v Zealand Zea-land acd tho A a trail as colonies, ne Atlantic ' ttatej and Eurjt-e. ! ADVzr.Tisixa i Hi! created nzasy a new b'ljines--: lias e-arrd ir-any ar old b tiisess; Hai revived muyi dull bu.-:Ecc.'; . Haa rescued mary al.,s; bua.-.efs; Has saved many a failing biiine.-;: Has preserved many a larh-o buriseii; Aid liiures sicces in any buiiscai- &TR.ARD-5 SECRET. Sterben Girard n5cd tr.ar ir. hii ii j z;?: "I havealw.17' c r.-::crid aavcru-.-g Ui.-r.illy ar.d v be the rro.:: ra.ee;! iia of 5:; in bi.-es.-. ar.d :ho prol-de the boies-.. Ivzc ei ori?:.r; hjv.r.; u se tha: th-.- ec. a wt-i: !: I a. by c-. ::r.j.i:iy koe; r. my bi-ir.a-s t--:"re the wiie wo:ild "aave LiL" "? Advertise your Enilntn. Keep jour name be form (lie Public. Jnitlcloui AdverlUli ii:;i In.iire a. hnrmiif. Iflluilncu Dull, Advertise. I Bailncii la Brlk, AdTtrlltt. B3 The maq who didn't b-'.i?re in adver-iL-'l.-.j hi? f iLto 1 irnr-:.f i-.a the FLUX FOR SMELTERS. The ur.d-VM.rrfJ. baling b-.-n anointed ..-lu Aki-:;;.- !:: I tab. of iho c--!el-raied Hem-aii'.o Hem-aii'.o irvn C';e o! Wji'iiud Territory, s-jliv-it the patf.ic wit? of ihe vnriuu.- furnaces, bel iat-his iat-his tbi iu be iho t'est If on t lux ever idered the public. Ordeis fjlUl al .-bo:i notice. Apply to CORDON &. MURRAY, I Half IJlock Nuulh It. It. Drjiof, Snlt I Lake Lily. jJl IMPROVE VOIR STOCK, j 1 THE IMPORTED J TllOKOUGllUKKD j DEVON BULL Young "Washington, la one of ihc lmeit bred Devon Hulls in iho : coiuiiry. Pedigree full and Complete. Half brml Dovod Cows arc splendid milkers. Half 1 rocd lcvo Oscd for work and speed ate unsurpashud. Th'iso who wili to improve, their ."lock can sou tbi.-. splendid animal at tbo tabl us o! .M r. 11. 11. Cluwsuii, uurtb-ivcaLcorucr uf the li'lb Ward. Teims, SI in n.hanco. Enquire of Mr. StiiiUl at tliu hlahle.-i. Iui MTim uiVlFFm IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY NOW 1 OI'ESATIOX. All kinds of Castin gr Dono to order on tho shoriost notice Time- Kiiurariteed. ALSO AUKiiTS FUR THE GRIFFITH & WEDGE VERTICAL STEAM ENGINES SAW MILLS, AND jn . md M. 9 n! Shingle and Heading Machines IIinlioat l'rico Paid for Old Brasa, Copper, and Cuat Iron, FIRST WFST STREET, NEAR NORTH TEMPLE STREET. ja31 500,000 DISTRIBUTION Grandest Scheme of the Age. 11.1 rains Capital Cift $100,000! $IOO OOOforoniy&JO V.y ftuthoritr ofn Specinl Act or tho Logia-ldturo Logia-ldturo of Miuxh HitL, 1&71, tlio Tfill ! 11113 GIFT CQXCEET 1 For the honofit of tho PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY', is horoby unnoucced to couio oil' in the Krout hull of tho Public Librium building) at Louisville-, Kontueky, on TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1873. At this Concert tho lit musical tnlont that can ho procured from all parti of tho country will hi: ouiployod, and Iho enormous sum of $500,000 IN CURRENCY 1 Will ho distributed by lot among tho tickot-holdors tickot-holdors in 1U,UU0 Uifis, every ono of which will bo cash. LIST Ol1 iII'TH. OnoGrjtnil Cash Gift 81fMI,000 Ono Grand Cash Gift 50,l)ix Ono Grand Cuah Gift So.uiXt Ono Grand Canh Gift aw.uut) Ono Grand Cash Gift lu.uiiu Ono Grand Cash Gift 5.01)0 21 Cajdi Gifta of 81,im each 21.UUU TjOCihIi Gilts of Ml) oaeh iY.iMHJ Ht) Cash (lifts uf 4M each 3J,W 100 CiLsh Giftu of 3110 oneh Jlo.oiH) l-'iO Cash Gilts of 200 each ai,iXKl 500 Ciush Gilts of 100 each 5!i,000 0,000 Cash GifW of 10 each UO.WO Total, U,000 Oiftfl, nil Cash, s.'JMl.iini) Tho object of this Third Gilt Conoort is tho enlargement nnd ondowinont of tho Public act authori.ing Iho ooncortfor its benefit, is to bo forever freo io all citLona of ovory state. To provide moans for this magnificent and I prniso worthy undertaking, Ono Jlundrod Thou- sand Tickets, and no more, will bo sold at tho following prices: PRICE OF TICKETS. VhoIoTickots 810, Halves S- and Quartern S2..0. Eleven Whoio Tickots tor SlUtj; -j.s fur Siiw; .Vi fer 6-"j00; ll-'i for SI.OIX); -2is for fL'.-WU: 575 for 5,7,000; 1,1(10 for SIO.UUO; 2,;ir0 for 520,000; and li.OOU lor SOU ,000. No difcount, ou lots than 8100 worth oftickoti at a time. This Third Gift Concert will bo condnetod liko tbo lirst and second horotolbro given, and full particulars of the mode of drawiug tho gifts and paying thorn and oven thine necessary ne-cessary to a thorough understanding of tho scheme, from beginning to end, aro now published pub-lished in tho form of a circular, which will bo furnished, froo of cost, to any ono who wants it. Tho ontiro nimneerucnt of this undorlaking has boon committed by tho Trustees to JION. T 110:5. L. JJKAMLETTE, la to Governor of Kentucky, to whom all communications pertaining per-taining to tho Gift Concert should bo addressed. ad-dressed. -R. T. DURHETT, Pruident P- L. K. JOUJ1 S. CAIN, Secretary P. L. K. For furthor information enquire at ZabrU-kic'a ZabrU-kic'a Saloon, .Salt Luko Citv, or to It. 11. THOMPSON, j2J Virginia. Nevada. "UTAH FIRE-BRICK CO." W. II. ClIISHOLM, 1 C. W. BENNETT. President. Trcas. i Seo'y, Wu. T. MATHEWS, SupcrintendenU Capitol Stock, 530,000. Vt'a mantifacturo at Salt Lako Cily and Lohi. Make Firo-Brick, Firo-Comont, Front thand-prcssed) Building Brick, Stovo Brick, Cruciblos, Retorts, &c, &c.Z Raw material not surpassed in any part of tho norld. Wo uso Lehi, Bingham and othor clays. W. T. Maihows tho Supciintendent has had ovor thirty years experienco. Pluco of works in Salt Lako City, near Johnson's John-son's Sampling Works. Olii:o No. uu. Main Street. (U. W. Bennett's oflico-) Wo will furnish Firo-Brick and all fire material ma-terial cheaper than thoy can bo imported, and of bettor imality. We invito all furnace men to call. Firo-Bricks mudo to plan. Orders solicited. fubl Everybody Wants O.XE OF THOSE NICE OHAM P!0N Washing Machines 22 0C0 SuLD IMCNsYEAR. Pries -$20.00. Ladies Call anj see them. Cms. W . Stayner, j General Azcnt, j So 5 Slain Street, Bait Lake City I lianll I PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. FOR THE SPUING, 1ST 3. Having L'oiupVtcil our cstcn-ivo Altoraiion in t) e RETAIL- DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Anil uialu arrauKCruentB for Ac If- tu nuio uur numerous Patrons wo t-riull Kihi'iit for thoir lufipction ( iioicK selection or m;as()ahlk DRESS 000, ILKS, SATINS, TRIMMINGS,1 RIBBONS. Also Staple Dry Goods, etc. Wu liavo milled lo our varied Stock And 'la:uJ this Pepurtnu'iit under the caro of an aecomi lislied Clerk. II. li. ULAWSON. Supt. DUNFORD & Sm Oiler to the Public a choice Stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, CATS, GLOVKSi, & L VIM!.' Fl At a small advance O 3NT O O S T , To make room for SPEINQ lJTJROI.IA.aKS?. Big inducements Ollered. GrT"&si, Reduction IN TtIB TRICES Ol.' Winter Clothing4. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, Will dispose of the bulunco of tboir stock of Wintor ClothiDg, consisting of HEAVY SUITS, PAHTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, AND HATS and CAPS, At groatly reduced -price:, to make room for their flpring purchases. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT Of v SLEIGH and CARRIAGE RUGS, At low figures to close them out. A KINK LOT OF HORSE BLANKETS?, To meet tbo demand croatod by the prevalence cf tbo Kpizootic. irench, Kitiisli AiKesicttn (SuifiiiRs, atiiiK8 ami ('Bssiiiicies in great variety ami latest. tyle. Men's antl in t ji'ts tf the latest fashions, from file tlrst . .- en in New York, Boston, Chicago ami Sau Francisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOMH MADE CASSIMERKS AND JJSANS, K , r WriKIll WE IiSVITK INSPECTION. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY. GLOVES, UMBRELLAS. COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES,, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. ALL, THE NEWEST STVLKSOFHATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT VAItLETJT. The p-cat succcsa which has attended ' Our Merchant Tailoring Department T Has induced to aiako largaPurciiases for our Fall and -Winter Trade, Tailors' Notions and'TrimmTngs of the best quality always on hand. H. B. CLAWSON, Miperiui! ixi. n(."' jok::i':i coui.i.vski, civil i; n a i n i-j Kit, U. S. Mt.v y.M A I, .ND TKI't'TY .-'R-VUl'vl'.i.jH I ijj, st-r1;ik!ia,,ih;tb Smn- SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, M'.'et ;.s i Cr.7 Mar'ict. ) All kiE-li of station arr. L";..-:7i.t, orL'C'r-tivc orL'C'r-tivc BOILERS, and TANKS, 3Iale or l'.ci.Rlr...i. EEAI'FIi AND MOWfUS vii ); ai:eJ .nil pu: in ItaKfe, o,er-Ut o,er-Ut JCHSSI..JA.SiC0.,Pplicl0n. I tPJISlViTJTOJM ' itbLgld the :tw.i-l if in ,V'V"S , t!lc nphl fcfjittnrT. FOR SALE. TIieUtaliCrackerFactory -.-T 1Z r',1''11;?"!'"'- fitl un .Main iii,i,.a u';:.";;:r,"::;""- " ih,.,, ',7 ut ' 118 fur c:trr) ifi n ,u &,'.. "V w4 is mt ir I',' , n" n-illi tho nhuro v r.i;..,;,"11,';1",',.-',,'','ciil;'f '" cu- L . !"' "ill Lo t'J.l i , A HINT TO THE WISE IS.SUF-I IS.SUF-I I CI EXT. Will you pay 175 for on Organ whrnjyou can get one as gixitl in every particular for $125, and three months' lessons free, by Jos. J.Daynes, Tabernacle Organist , which is alone worth 20.00. BttV a riSIXCK, AND SAVE 70. ' Wo also sell a 7-Stop Organ, Or-gan, with Sub-Bitss for Churches, Chur-ches, Schools, Halls, etc., (or 8160. Call and see and hear them and you will be convinced that what we nay is true. We sell on monthly instalments instal-ments if desired J lu'inember that Prince & Co. are the oldest and largest Organ Builders iu America. J. DAYNES & SON, ii'.' 2 tlrinrfl enstofJitlW Drue Stura. EAGLE HOUSE Teasdkl & Co. Tlio plnoe for tlio publio to buy, Teasdkl & Co. Winler Sbawla and Drons Oooda, Teasdel & Co. b' I an nc Id, Nubian, and Olovoa. Teasdel & Co. Iloaio-iuadu IiootH and Shoos llnl. in Ihn l',.r,,, TEASDEL & CU. Sugars, Teas and Coffeos, Choose, iiaoou and Lard. TEASDEL & CO. Mcd'b Clothing, Hats, ShirlB and Furnishing Goods. TEASDEL & CO. CarpctP, Ruk. Mats and Curtains. Cur-tains. TEASDEL & CO. Blcos Sewing Machines. Wear longer arjd aro lens liablo to ftot out of order. Tho best in the World. No trouble to show Oooda, Careful attention to orders and goods delivered de-livered to all the trains and any part of the city free of charge. TEASDEL & CO., East Tcmplo Street. Oppusite Salt Lake House. THE "Gardner Fire Extinguisher,' The I.mi, Beit, Clieapetti nl 1,0,1 Kflcctlvc. Dill-rent from, nd OVKIt A TIIOI SAND FIK FtT Ol T WITH IT. MORE THAN $10,000,000 W.ji di of Jruifrty Saved ' l:t- Firo Df j-nrtuiooi- in the PrincirI th'j Lni'po havf ad' f.-J tlitm. f tlflFFSOF FIIU: JtKPAKTMENTs yy cl. r.-c Ihrui a.- rnx i.t.-.r. It ha- btca -I-r-.-vcd tlje Secr-tary A tlio 'J rej',J'T,"- ,. ii-c on St-am Vc.-.-cl.-, 1-ytvl hT ia' crniiK.-nt for the Aruiv JR'l ay. JT";r-al.-.luto i.r..tccli..n fire, hem r- ;,d7 i-r iBitant u-e. p.-rfctly .-implo vptt mion and prumia and tUicitint in aclwn The "Gardner Fire Extinguishsr" 1 s lr'irc Dorartmcnt in ,i S50.0" i:str.-Ch w .I"")! M haDd.r I' 8K.VO rOtt THEIR BKCOBI. l-.clfle Co..t ..ity.-ll'l Salt Lake City, Utah, Klmll Block, C.r.'lr.t " JAS, SMITH S CO., ,,M 0..r.l f'" |