Show analyzing YOU with lit scie tice of by C la daa of all the tb Enu merI fanny somehow fanny takes us 01 to a it country place perhaps it I 1 Is a email small farm on the edge of a little village la to tile lie west perhaps people call you fan von for short A lot of things have been beem done with a fan fin tie the weapon or of ann dannys fan coquetry coa of the un cenca concealable lable fan fans are out but it they eur eier come back in style tye jou you must get on one fanny lou IOU could do so 10 much with it lu la the modern sense a fan li to cue one who li Is tery very enthusiastic cincera ing ins some port sport or soine some thing to os us it means an ardent follower too you are all of that ft hen your ti ea thu li is once aroused you are inclined to be quit quite steady in your dell lits the serious aide side of your nature might find end if its best outlet in nursing or in teaching it Is llody ilka however that you would couple this the natural dalles duties arising la in a home of your our own this ti to tie te conse canse you ar are e primarily domestic so if you do not want a career among the great so called calla I 1 shall not blame you much tudy study has convinced me t that hat nil all the ha hap of life Is not in careen even though there arc are many happy people who bot dave have de developed eloped greatness ant if it you should decide upon a career something dramatic or literary should claim your deo demotion tanny I anny hurst glies you a rood good ex ample of how bow your nime dime could be made famous in the literary field you might and that there was not such a great difference betteen bet teen fanny hurst and lanny tanny you fw for che she ID Is just a human being like your telf self who has brou brought lit out the cora com mon things of life in a big are way now the way to bring out the common things in a big tine fine way li Is to put the cloest bigness of your bif if ato the common things you do that Is not too preachy Is ill it esther taking your first letter R F and tracing it back to the anc ancients lents we find dud it has tie fil meaning of win 11 dow or light this corresponds quite i 1 little with the general meaning of your first syl fable faille CS Vs whick esther esthers beautiful fles fiery berl throat queen eather had a good deal of this quality T as you may y see li 11 the bibie bible there are only ten chapters in the book of esther and it will inspire you wonderfully onder fully to read it it in the greek MO practically means within vi while li lie means apparel coupling thes these with the ancient ts S means that you should be clothed with ith fire a blazing example of power to remark a large pirt of this will mil be demonstrated la in UK the wity r you carry your beautiful throat for with the thoughts the am baitlon naming flaming within you you IOU must exercise mua muc control pra tice lice before your as tc to which positions best exhibit your for there Is another reason bour our skill in this will be effect uve tive the second purpose pur poc pote though not no secondary in fact Is your healing ability in the last syllable sylla bli of your name 1 the syllable THER Is a primary root in the th word therapeutics which means to t POSAS bealing healing qualities first practice dl dignity anity and anc haughtiness wore your mirror especially as through your pose of the next see e how much of condescension and iding kindness ou on can con express make stake it appear to your youssif sIf that yoi you are de descending weDdIng from haughty re fasal of the demaid dema der oaid id of a grown person to the escen slon for a little child ft 26 0 N astern news imper ift a |