Show THREE ASK DE CD RL IN CADD CARBON MON COURT three carbon county women are asking divorce divorces in suits filed with the clerk of the be seventh district court at tit price l Dalr cino seeks separation from tier husband huf band louis whoa whom the she married august 30 1913 claiming that he be repeatedly st her and luied profanity lie ile also taught their ct 4 1 irn ir n not to like their mother afre Sal reino claims custody ot three children alimony and attorneys fees are relue requested sted because his hi wife went cut out rith other men lawry for long lon peri d it of time and neglected him and their james allne ah in 11 iiley iley has ha filed suit for divorce again against phoebe vilate Il ealey ifie couple were married in logan bep 14 1119 lar izeale ask asks cuto dy of three 1 minor cl children ildren sarratt o arano of helper hat that A WV f alho ile live lives in aiello isalt with obit two children dren refuses to acme to america to HP la in his hi divorce 11 orce against Prane esea bernado bruno they wen 1 married february 8 1917 |