Show WATER uh U 8 ja M TO conal TOON OF CANAL COMPACTS approximately sixty carbon conn cours ty fannen farmers irner the price wate watts conservation district dil triet met in the carbon court hooie house monday evening to co norder forming a water wan protective and to make plans ians for consolidating the everal several canal and ditch com under one head no action was taken but an other meeting till will be b held march 17 and it is very possible Ts sible that some form of union nay bo be agreed upon all of the have been relied to submit the plan to the bru nf of directo i a or the ere tu roughly discuss it and bend send a to the meeting neit next monday M K FW dweller P weller eller of the price farra farm bureau told the fanner fars ners that a it would be IL means of of baoy vy f the facuri fa fat iuri problem problems then there are 17 canal a and sid ditch the water ai il 60 |