Show SEARCHERS FIND MISSING CASTLE GATE dax aner FALL FROM CUFF the bwy of herbert holdbrook 21 of ci cl tie ile gate who hid had bee i mining missing inee since monday of hit last was found about 10 DO 00 a m friday by a patty of searchers in darn barn canyon about one sad one half miles from the community indications were that holbrook had attempted to kale scale a cliff and lost his hit footing PI plunging to the pound ground below and fracturing hia his skull will J bliss carbon deputy aher sher iff wa was called to castle gate for an investigation and decided that no coroners cor onera inquest waa wits essary lie ile learned that holdbrook lt home mp monday iday morning alint with a 3 sun un in till his besca I 1 oes ca he ile told no one in t the he demily of hit hi 1 intention but hail had informed trina it where ii he e WM was go in As lie be had lad been in the habit of lisl i ting with his hi pal pals for sei arul dayi at a tune time hie his father dal not becoat alarmed until timis day afternoon parties have making a earch search of 01 tic vie territory terri torr aar rounding cattle castle gate oate for flural taye tays but an increased number were out friday duo to the fact that the mine did not work hollbrook had been subject to frequent melancholy melin choly spells 11 aiace the death of his mother several month months ago the youth Is disappear dis appeal aties was not reported to sheriff 8 M X bills 1 call tie its body bad bid been found jolin john castle gate machall va was with the men when the body bwy was ara recovered in a froien condition dr pr I 1 E V long reported that lie to licad suffered from a compound frac tuc of the bull Decca ed wa was born ID in muddy nole january 16 am and esme with his hi parent parents to castle gate from liar illinois about a year and a half IHs ills father bearr hold brook is outside foreman of the utah fuel mine his ills mother etollie barnerd holdbrook Kold brook died october 25 26 19 1029 19 lie ile is su rIved b his hi father ose eiter sister edna fains 22 a student at the B U I 1 in brovo foret and tour our bro brother titers frani beeville Ue eville texas paul 18 16 barl 12 aad and leon 8 all of 0 f castle we pate funeral services serl ices 1 were held from lie the lome home in castle gate mon day afternoon at 2 inter merit ment was made nude in the irke price eit cit cemetery under of the J I 1 fian funeral parlors |